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MaryLovesYou reviewed Void Stranger
There is a genre of person that this game is specifically targeted for which I don't fit into. Really enjoyed the storytelling, but it felt like I had to constantly consult a walkthrough to get the story. I'm a big fan of esoteric puzzles with unclear but rewarding solutions. However the game design feels especially opaque here.

4 days ago

4 days ago

MaryLovesYou reviewed Hot Wheels Unleashed
Big learning curve to this game if you're used to playing cart racers. I'm awful at it's a really great comfort game

4 days ago

4 days ago

MaryLovesYou reviewed Loddlenaut
Fun and cute environmentalist game. I wished that there had been more depth (pun intended) to many of the mechanics though, especially caring for the loddles. Given that they're in the title, I assumed doing things with the loddles would be a central part of the game. However, they often feel like an afterthought. It feels like there isn't any meaningful reason to interact with them after you've cleaned them unless you want to 100% the achievements.

4 days ago

4 days ago

4 days ago

4 days ago

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