Very decent and beautiful title. Peaceful.

Such a charming, although short, golf title.

Freaky solid game held back from Switch controllers.

Probably most bc I played on Switch, but this was just bland. Online was essentially nonexistent.

Best game Switch ever had to offer. No joke.

Great F-Zero esque game when F-Zero isn’t being made anymore. No complaints for its budget, other than it may feel better if it was on Xbox

Got a lot of play time from this, but never truly got hooked. Just always a #2 game whenever I’m bored.

It’s a never ending Mario game that loses 1 point for lack of modes. Endless challenge isn’t enough, we need more customizability.

Not really for me. Would’ve liked fewer puzzle elements and just more suspenseful platforming.

Turf War is the only mode I play, but that is a 4.5. Stages are all unique which is a plus, and the various weapon types allow for success for all playstyles. Only shooter I’ll ever play.

All the achievements and the near impossibility of some of them ruin this game. Solid otherwise, but the achievements are rage inducing

Ehhh. First ever run and gun type title, and they aren’t for me. Style gets it 3 stars tho, so much charm.

Considering this is my most played game and I still speedrun it periodically, it gets 5 since I have been playing it for 9 years and haven’t left it yet.