Released at a time when Sony was seeing the success of small developer games on XBA, this underrated PSN gem seemed to come and go with little fanfare but the spin on perspective manipulation and minimalistic design made a lasting impression on those of us that played it.

Not the disappointment you might remember!

When this game came out, the opening level was universally praised while everything else was panned on the simple fact you didn't play as Solid Snake. But looking back now, you can appreciate it more for the big swing it was! It's well written, plays great, provides tons of character development, and may have been a little too conceptual for us when it first released.

Multiverses, time paradoxes, and a story about the struggle of freewill vs determinism.

This return to the Bioshock universe delivers on what it promises! With an emphasis on the shooting mechanics, we finally get a game that can keep up with whatever pace you want. And with a story as rich with character development as the first, it reaches for the heights of the original and, impressively, almost gets there.

It's like technicolor but for videogames!

There's a lot of good parts here that unfortunately don't come together well enough to make a good, cohesive game. The stage design is top tier but doesn't mesh well with the slippery controls. The mini games are fun but feel rushed. You get the feeling if the developers pointed to any one aspect thrown at the wall and stuck with it, we'd have something you wouldn't need nostalgia glasses to enjoy today.

A streamlined experience with memorable characters, creative boss fights, and a deeply impactful story.

But what may be the best part is how this acts as a perfect entry point. It's not reliant on expansive lore or convoluted character development. If you want to show someone why this series is praised so much, this is the game you should show them.

The Resident Evil franchise successfully reinvents itself again with a fresh perspective and a return to its survival horror roots but if you're only playing the base game, you're only getting half the story. Seriously. The full experience is hidden behind the thoughtfully planned DLC.

Street Fighter finally finds its footing!

This is the moment Street Fighter took that big leap forward as a franchise. The characters are fun and distinct. The addition of low and high specials is effortless. But more importantly than all of that is, it just feels like Street Fighter. The speed increase, the precision of the attacks. It all flows together seamlessly into a new standard.