I've been around this "fabled RPG experience" since TBC, but my own campaign finally started when this game basically consumed my whole life for quite a few years back in high school. Since then, I've been playing it off and on till today.

I don't care what people say, it's an amazing world to get into. It's an awesome game as a MMO, but to me it's world and lore is where the game really shines. Getting into the Warcraft books and then going through the zones and places the stories in those books took place was something unforgettable.

Yeah the newest content and whatnot might not be as good as it used to (I still think Legion was the absolute peak), but with each passing year the game is still getting better and better even with it's age. Especially now, the developers are more active and interactive with the community than they've ever been.

Still, if you've never touched this classic and you love vast and enchanting fantasy worlds, this one is one of the best and I highly recommend giving it a try. If not for the newest content, then at least to experience everything this game has built in it's 15 year lifespan.

To me Warcraft universe is something like Tolkien's world is for a lot of people and that's why even tho I might fall out with it here and there, it will always have a place in my heart.

If you love RPGs and epic fantasy stories, this is it. This is one of the best ones on the market period. Even tho it's an MMO, I would personally mark it as more of a linear story-driven game with MMO elements and multiplayer as a bonus.

Not here to undermine any value of the MMO content that this game offers tho, because oh boi, is there a lot of it and most of it is absolutely awesome. From dungeons, 8 and 24 player raids, to full fledged crafting classes, everyone will find something they like here.

Or even if you are a "not well versed in combat" person that just likes to dress fancy, take a lot of cool screenshots, go to virtual parties, role-play, furniture a house or just chill with friends, you can do all of it and much more.

This game has given me one of the best years of my life and I met many friends thanks to it, that I still talk with daily to this day.

If you never tried, please do. The start might be a little bit slow, but please keep on going. Because once you get into it, you won't be disappointed.

Man I really want to like this one, but no matter how many times I try this...it's just not working out. Overall this game is pretty much ok, but compared to the other entries it feels incredibly bad to play.

- animations are somehow worse than DS1
- everything feels too rigid and unintuitive
- runs to the bosses are absolutely horrendous
- level design choices are mind-boggling sometimes
- bosses are either really hard or absolute joke, nothing in between
- hitboxes...do I need to say more?
- estus flasks are too slow to be actually usable most of the time
- consumable quest items allowing you to lock yourself out of a final boss fight of the DLC
- weapon durability is nonexistent, one is forced to carry around multiple weapons at all times

+ enemy variety
+ one of the best armors in the series
+ dual wielding and bunch of other cool mechanics
+ environments and vistas
+ size of the map
+ NG+ having different enemies all together
+ Majula

Truly a masterpiece that started it all. Praise the sun! \[T]/

Good shooter with awesome superpowers, which really makes it stand out from the others of it's time. Level design was sometimes a little bit annoying to fight with, but other than that it's a really solid experience. Nothing can make your day more than grabbing a guy by a neck and throwing him into a building, which then explodes and folds like a house of cards. Incredible physics for it's time, even now there are barely any games that reach this level of destruction in the environment.