Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 18, 2023


Unfortunately for me my Xbox 360 disc tray has gotten stuck (I was using the Sega Mega Drive collection to play this and thankfully there was no disc in there when it got stuck) so now I am now unable to progress within this game (I was using the Sega Mega Drive collection to play this). It is such a shame as well since I was really enjoying it and you could tell that the team working on the game fully understood what the Master System could handle and I felt like they managed to push it to the limits. like the sprite art in battle is quite stunning, I really enjoyed the fact the dungeons were in first person and the overworld was also pretty cool. The main complaints I have with is game is it's official translation (although it's pretty common for most games of it's era) and it's music, my god the music could make anyone go insane but yet again I'm pretty sure this was just the case for a lot of Master Systems games. I'll most likely move onto the other games in this series and return to this one whenever I fix my Xbox 360 disk tray.