Amazing world but lacking in combat and story.

I love the atmosphere, environment and visuals of this game. Probably one of my favorites in gaming. It hits the mark on Japanese specific horror elements that makes you feel you’re actually watching an old horror film.
The urban landscape is fun to explore and yet very eerie at the same time, given how there’s no people only the sound of the sounds of weather, animals, replaying speakers and the occasional ghost laughing or groaning.

However there’s lots to pick at with this game. Firstly a personal gripe is how the static is locked to only come out of the controller speaker and the overuse of static. “TuRn iT oFf” I would if that wasn’t the only way to tell that there’s enemies near by without using the vision ability.

The combat feels a bit wonky and some abilities or arrows miss when they clearly should’ve hit.

Most of the enemies are fine but that spinning umbrella guy is dumb, stupid and annoying . Shouldn’t be in the game.

As for the story, not much is really explained. Sure there might be some hints with some hidden notes stashed away in the corner of the map but let’s be honest, no one wants to go looking for essays to explain a games lore. A lots of stuff that’s left unexplained by the end of the game.

You don’t need me to tell you that this game is insane. Almost to a ridiculous point. Combat, music, the maps, mini games, sub stories, characters, (almost) every boss are amazing.
The only thing I didn’t like was the writing for the twist villains. They use tropes that are unoriginal, done before either in the series or in different media dozens of times and feels like kinda of a cop-out to make thing more dramatic just to make things exciting which I feel doesn’t really work.
Other than that; goated.

Game that came out 20 years too late.
Now if this just had PS2 graphics and was actually on the ps2 and you put this infront of 7 year old me, I’d say this was the greatest game ever made 20/10 game of the year.
I get that this is just trying to emulate the original with a modern coat of paint but it doesn’t work well enough to make this game good.
Every level is extremely linear.
All of the special attacks essentially do the same thing but with different animations.
Enemy variants were ok in the beginning but suck towards the end.
You can DMC 2 the crap out of any of the bosses with the chain gun shot.
The only thing that makes this game hard is the enemy spam with rocket and snipers.
Cutscene animations and voice acting is just awful and not even funny bad.
Also this game is way too long for how repetitive it gets.
Story is just weird and doesn’t make sense.
The only things I really like is the soundtrack and the sound design. They did a great job on that but failed hard on everything else.

Only fun for Co-op.
I only recommend this for people who have a squad of actual friends to play this with. Solo missions and co-op with randoms can be kinda frustrating.
The actual gameplay is really good but obviously they need to work on servers and a few quality of life fixes would make it a lot better. Such as better minimap usage and always displaying everyone’s name.

A grand finale for Kiryu

This the best Yakuza combat game that uses the dragon engine. The combos and movement feel great and so less clunky than Y6 and YK2.

The new agent style was a lot of fun and worked well with Kiryu and switching between the new and original styles felt very nice.

Good soundtrack

Most of the battles in the coliseum mode were good and the team battles were alot of fun and it was cool building a team of characters. (Expect that stupid Judgement robot team fight. that was bs)

Lots of good side mini games.

The side stories being available to see on the map or being accepted by Akame was a lot better than randomly stumbling upon them.

The upgrade system was kinda weird of how you needed essentially a two point system to level up with money and the points but judging doing all the side missions gave enough points where it wasn’t an issue.

The story was fantastic. The ending was great and emotional. It also leads well into Y8 and I can’t wait to see what lies next for Kiryu.

We back. Some say we never left.

Kiryu doesn’t kill but will blow up a helicopter with people in it. See it doesn’t count because it didn’t happen in a cutscene.

Honestly this wasn’t bad.
I don’t like combat in the dragon engine but between this and Kiwami 2, this one is a bit better.

Story was actually really good. Probably the 2nd best behind 0. Sure it was sorta complicated per usual but there wasn’t a a ton of information cramped into every scene. Everyone was introduced sparsely and the twist surprise “haha I'm the actual true villain” trope was actually done fairly well. I just wish they stopped doing that.
And I actually liked the bit of comedy sprinkled into the main drama story.

The sub stories were ok. Some funny, some forgettable.

I really like this games version of the clan creator mode. It feels like those old school army vs army mob flash games I used to play so maybe that’s why I liked it better than K2’s version of it. Plus I kinda like the characters and story of the Clan mode. Gives us a little taste of what could’ve been if Kiryu stayed chairman.

Although I was losing my mind with how many fat people spam drop kicks in a mob fight.

Not bad but combat holds it back.

This JRPG does have issues but those issues don’t make it awful.
I am stating that other than this note, I am NOT going to compare or make any reference to Atlus’s golden child. This is not Persona and it shouldn’t be held to the standards of Persona.

Basic combat is fine. Sword, gun and element weakness finding is standard enough for anyone to understand.
Most standard and boss fights are designed fairly well.
Soundtrack is pretty good.
The main cast of characters are good. Not great but I don’t have any reason to dislike any of them.
The environments of the game world is great and I love how the city is designed.
Story is okay. Nothing noteworthy.

The dungeons are designed very poorly. It’s straight hallways after straight hallways that mostly lead to dead ends. Then finding a key to open a door where you have to walk into a whole separate area to get back to where you needed to go on the first place.
Then hearing “Enemy. WATCH OUT! That was close!” Every 5 seconds is extremely annoying.

Lots of people and events are set up before the start of the game and characters only make brief mentions of said people or events very fast like we’re already supposed to know and all that did leave me confused. “Am I supposed to know that person?/what happened?/ what so-and-so is? Etc.”

Kinda annoyed that it locks the true ending behind requirements that aren’t made clear and having to look up a guide that spoils it anyways.

Both endings are ok but obviously the true ending leaves things off in a better note.

The DLC side story missions suck. The dungeons suck. The fights suck and the side story is extremely generic.

I do like the general themes of this game but other than that, nothing really stands out.

This game was decent but it isn’t great.
It’s always fun to see a crossover and see characters from different game’s interacting with each other but that’s the only real novelty of this game.

I have played some games from both the hyperdimension and the Senran series. What this game tries to do is be a weird combination of both which I feel doesn’t really work. Compared to the faster paced action/movement of the regular Senran game, this game tries to have some of the animations from the HDN games which makes the combat feel so slow.
Not to say some of the special moves weren’t flashy and cool but it doesn’t bring it up that much.

The HDN and SK games don’t take themselves too seriously with their stories and that shows here. The thing I found kinda disappointing is that this takes place in a world where all the characters already know of eachother so these aren’t the original versions of the characters from their main timelines. But it’s still neat seeing them interact. Although the 2D portraits for the SK characters just look really weird to me. Idk just seeing it trying to mimic their 3D models just doesn’t seem right visually.

The music is really good and some of the bosses were ok with their designs but you could sweep all of them if you can counter at the right times to essentially take 0 damage. I did also like that all party members passively leveled up with however your main 2 characters are so you don’t have to grind as much.

Would I recommend this game for it is? No. I’d say only get it (on sale) if you’re a fan of one or both series.

Stuff happened and I fought some people.
So in terms of combat, side stories, mini games, music etc. is about the same as Y4, in terms of quality. Which is good.
Shiada section was fine, was it kinda pointless,? Yes. Was he fun to play? Sure? Did I like him as a character? Yes.
The Haruka section was decently fun for me but that’s because I really like rhythm games, otherwise I can see this part being really annoying.
The bosses still kinda suck because if you don’t know how to regularly fight them, then you gotta just back up, wait for them to stop blocking then take a pot shot at their groan.
My main gripe about this game is that it’s needlessly long, thus making the already kinda confusing plots of these games even more confusing. I just finished it and I can barley tell you who was in it, their motivations and why things happened.
Someone tried to take over the clan but not really, people died but sometimes not really, mystery villain appears, someone gets shot and Haruka dances. That’s pretty much it.
Not bad but too long. Also Haruka is an idiot.

If you’re a big fan of the dead rising series, then obviously you’re not gonna like this game. However objectively speaking this far from the worst game I’ve played. Yes this game was rushed, it’s glitchy, the writing is bad, story is whatever, locking the true ending behind DLC is dumb and they did write Frank in a weird way but the gameplay, music, map, weapons and “bosses” are decently good and fun. The new crazy combo weapons and vehicles are fun to use and the capcom heroes mode is a lot of fun after playing through the story normally.
Is the game franchise ending? In my opinion; no. This could’ve been a lot worse. If you’re just looking to blow up and destroy zombies then this game will do that just fine.

A more than worthy successor.

This game is phenomenal some would say spectacular even. Everything about this game is just a straight up improvement.
I felt that the combat in the first game was too reliant on gadgets but this game has a better balance with normal combat, gadgets and abilities.
The general combat is great, the exploration is made even better with the wing suits and the expansion of the map (even though it isn’t huge) was cool.
The side stories I found surprisingly good and shows a better side of Spider-Man’s character with helping people with problems that anyone could have.
The boss fights are great.
Most of the costumes are great and look really good.
The fan service is insane with events that happen in the story of side missions.
The only thing I found annoying was having to swing an injured civilian 500+ meters away to an ambulance after a fight. Which I guess would happen but after awhile it gets tedious.
And even with the dumb MJ stealth missions being back, it’s a bit more tolerable this time.
Overall story is way better. A little bit better character writing for Peter and Miles. Definitely worth it.

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Ignoring the fact that the base game is just a port, it was done in a really clever way to fit playing this on a console system.
The bonus art and music is cool to look at and listen.
The side stories were very touching but after knowing what happens in the base game and “outside the game” kinda makes it less impactful in my opinion. Either that or even more terrifying because of what happened at the end.
I’m surprised that they even deepened the lore with metaverse subplot happening in the background. I found it very interesting.
Just Monika!

I certainly did not expect this to be one of the best puzzle platformers I’ve ever played.
It has a fun art style with wonderful environments and colors.
Each level had amazing atmosphere and was designed very well.
All the different hat powers played well for every part they were needed in every level.
Great storytelling and characters.
Surprisingly good boss battles.
The soundtrack is great. (The Snatcher boss battle music had no right to slap as hard as it did)
Funny writing with great interactions.
Dare I say this is on level with Nintendo made platformers.