Citizen Kane wasn't enough. Now Paddington's coming for Ocarina of Time.

Genuinely one of the few games that I don't think can exist outside of the medium. Not every game needs to be like Automata, but I think a lot of games could benefit from understand what works so well about it.

you can ask a guy his name, like, a bunch of times

i hate this fucking game i have 600 hours in it

easily my favorite BR. just a lot of fun. a lil glitchy at times and servers could be better, but who cares! I have fun!

Overal, I realy loved 13 Sentinels! I think unraveling the mystery of the story was a really wonderful experience and having each character's piece of the mystery overflow into other character's story was super well done. My only gripe is that the end I don't think hit me as hard as I've seen it did for others. It was a really well thought out and interesting story and ending, but I think that certain characters you have to finish their stories later, while others you can end up finishing earlier due to the game barring certain progression on other characters. This really isn't a huge knock against it; you still get a ton of freedom in the order you pursue, but certain plot points do require you to finish certain characters later. I just happened to be more interested in other character's stories. Also the final battle was definitely fun, but it didn't feel like a hugely intense battle like I'd hope it did (I played on normal; maybe intense should have been the call).

I really liked this one. It's short and sweet and good for it's price. It has a really interesting mechanic in the eye-tracking software (I didn't have a webcam, so I could n't make use of it. There were def moments I could see being more impactful by being locked into that). It's short, but it accomplishes what it sets out to do. I think the final act comes at a surprise that's interesting, but for what this game is, it's good!

ive played this game 4 times and it manages to just destroy me emotionally but simultaneously build me back up. truly an exceptional game in every way.

see you tomorrow.

me and my friends came upon a shootout over one of the bounties and nobody noticed us. we snuck into the house and stole the bounties and extracted without firing a single bullet. 5/5 game