The OG survival horror game, remade in 2002. It's a great time, but do note that despite being a remake it is still quite aged, it's mostly a visual remake, and even with the parts they changed it was 22 years ago this was made, so don't expect the same type of game as the new REmakes. Also I honestly just recommend using a guide to get through the game, it makes the process a lot smoother, especially if you are new to the genre.

This is peak. My only complaints are 1. the lack of style switching (though that was unique to only 0, Kiwami 1 and Ishin, it was a great mechanic, and I miss it in the rest of the games), and 2. the Majima Saga, which is fine, but overall mostly filler, with a few key segments that make it worth it for fans of 0. It also leads into 2's story, but you can't play it until you beat 2's story most of the way through, so it's an odd case of a prologue placed in the spot of an epilogue. I'm glad it exists but it could have been more. Especially the fact we can't play as Majima in Premium Adventure and level him up there is a real shame. His fighting style is really fun, but you only get to use it for about an hour.

The start of the Yakuza series, remade. It's really good. It's essentially Yakuza 0, but with the original games story, which has been expanded upon, to mixed effects. The expansion on cutscenes and characters are phenomenal, and really enhance the story tremendously, though some missions pad out the game with extra fluff, for example the funeral mission, what was a simple grab an item and go task in the PS2 game is a multi part task that is just tedious.

The Majima everywhere is hilarious fun but I do think that with both it and Komaki, and the story itself being rather short, you aren't going to really fully unlock the dragon style in a normal playthrough. In fact, in mine it was a pretty crap style with how far I got it.

Overall I highly recommend this game, as either the first or in my opinion second game you play in the series (following 0)

It's about as good as GTA IV, gameplay wise, the new weapons are great for the most part though the double barrel shotgun isn't all that good, and the biker theme is a nice change of pace. The story is still quite good, though not as great as the main game since it's not long enough to get fully fleshed out, but still worth checking out.

Game is good but has aged a bit. The opening is very slow, but the game gets really good once you get past that.

My main issues are the lack of checkpoints, the driving being kind of wonky, and how some missions start from a phone call that you can't start on your own, making you do the mission whether you want to or not, which can be made worse if you don't have full health or much ammo.

Playing on PC the port is also really bad, with one of the endings being broken unless you change your display settings to 1280 x 720 at 60hz, which is insane.

The soundtrack that was made for this game is great but the actual licensed song list is a mixed bag, the Rock station is among the best stations in any GTA, but the rest of the stations are really lacking, especially the classic hip hop station. Where are the classic East Coast rappers like Biggie, Run DMC, Wu Tang, Beastie Boys, Boogie Down Productions, etc, etc?

The story is the highlight of the game and it is something great for a GTA game but I will say that the serious story and the over the top setting of GTA can get sort of in the way of each other. For a prime example one pivotal scene focuses on the Statue of Liberty, or the Statue of Happiness as it is called in this game, as a sort of dark theme of the American Dream being just that a dream, but the statue in this game is Hillary Clinton holding a Hot Coffee cup as a shot fired at Clinton for trying to get San Andreas banned, which really weakens the impact of the scene. The story can also feel a little cluttered at times, with some missions feeling almost like their barely attached, a prime example being the character Bernie's missions, at least one of which isn't even required to beat the game.

All in all I recommend the game but just be aware it has aged a bit more than people make it out to be, and I don't see how many claim it to be the "Most Underrated GTA" when the Stories games exist and this is one of the highest rated games of all time.

It's basically just Budokai 3 but with some new stuff in it.

Games fun but it can feel a bit too realistic at times.

The best Medieval Hack and Slash, it's a great game to head on and play a few matches of in a casual manner.

A fun medieval hack and slash but perhaps a little too competitive in it's combat. It's build a character system is really fun though.

Fun game but dead now, and Chivalry 2 and Mordhau are better.

A great tactical modern day shooter, without being too realistic like some others can get.

A great shooter, but it's sequel is better.

This game was awesome but it's totally dead.

A great online pirate game, especially great PVP, and the updates keep expanding it in interesting ways. It's an ultimate sandbox, allowing you to do basically whatever you want in it.

A fun RPG based on the Saiyan Saga.