This was the start of the golden age of the Rhythm game.

Another solid band based Guitar Hero. Major props for also having the D in it. But a negative for having the songs Stacey's Mom in it.

Also no Sammy Hagar era so got to cut some of the review for that.

It honestly was really good but the format was so worn out due to constant rhythm games that it flopped.

The best band based Guitar Hero, the songs are killer, and while the non Metallica songs may seem out of place at first, you will realize these are mainly the songs that Metallica covered for Garage Inc.

My first Rhythm Game and I'm a huge Aerosmith fan so I am biased but it's overall a great time, and I do personally prefer it to Guitar Hero 3, though keep in mind it is essentially Guitar Hero 3 but with Aerosmith.

just more guitar hero but it's the old songs this time with the original versions all in one game. It's a fun time but is just a side thing.

A great sequel to Guitar Hero 3. The peak of the series in my opinion.

Basically just more Doom 1 with more weapons and enemies, and not as good level design.

It was awesome but isn't really played much anymore


Fun but flawed. Still a great time.

It was kind of fun as a kid I guess.

You have this game to thank for the Spider-Verse.

It's also just a good game.

Fun Spider-Man game which makes good use of the Symbiote suit.