It's fun for like 2 hours then you realize how repetitive it really is.

Haven't played in years but it was fun back in the day, I should revisit it.

Rock Band with Peter Griffin, John Cena, Leon Kennedy and Mr Beast but most of the songs suck, and those that don't are repeats from old Rock Band games. Also every instrument plays the exact same.

Hey Lois I'm in Fortnite - Peter Griffin

A surprisingly great Ghostbusters themed Asym game.

A great game in theory but there isn't much to it, and it has so many tiny issues that it leads to this being a death by 1000 cuts situation. And to top it off the Devs get really apprehensive when you bring up any issues with the game, recently a player asked when the next update was in response to a post about the next updates release date and the head dev mocked him for it. Yeah the question was redundant but you don't go and mock your own playerbase over that.

I may return if the next real DLC is any good, but as it stands I don't have much optimism for the games future and fully expect it to get abandoned later this year, and for the devs to then blame the gamers and lack any self awareness.

I played the tutorial at launch, then couldn't get into a server regardless how long I tried. I never came back to it, and won't unless they drop the always online requirement.

For $5, this game is a fun time to just sit down and get spooked. It's gameplay was super unique at the time, and honestly despite it's clear low budget it still holds up well.

My God this game is addictive. It's basically Game Dev Tycoon's concept, but way more in depth and realistic. You manage not just how the games turn out, but also your company, everything from PR, Merchandise, Developer working conditions, and so on. You can go full Microsoft and buy out your competition, you can make a ton of DLC like your EA, or you can make your own console and only make games for it, refusing to port stuff to even PC, full on Nintendo style.

The Sims 4 is one of those games that I just don't know where to rank it. I don't hate it, but it is flawed, especially since I feel for the game to be truly worth it you need to buy a large amount of DLC, which is expensive, even though they go on sale semi regularly. But it is addicting when you do get into it, and given the base game is free now I'm not as mad as I used to be.

I would call this the best Sims game but it has so many performance issues that it can be a lot to deal with, especially on modern PCs (the better your PC the worse it is, yes really). But if you can get past that it can be some of the most addicting gameplay you will find.

I used to be super critical of this game but honestly the devs have made massive improvements to this game in the last handful of years (I was critical around 2016-18) and it's a much better game than I expected going back to it, to the point that I am actually addicted to it low key.

This is peak when it comes to old school survival horror. The story is great. I don't want to say too much to give it away honestly. It still will take some getting used to if you aren't used to this genre or era of Survival Horror, but using a guide is completely fine.