Amazing soundtrack and fun gameplay. It's easy to get lost in either half of the gameplay loop (going on crusades or managing your cult) but that's where the fun comes from for me personally

I've got no clue what is going on story-wise, but it is quite fun to memorize all the hazards and try to deduce what the client needs. You're not allowed to ask follow up questions or anything but there's no time limit (afaik) so it wasn't all too hard

I personally haven't encountered any incest. I think the characters' dynamic is incredibly interesting (and so so toxic) so I'd like to see more of it as long as it doesn't cross any weird lines

Haven't played much of it but it was fun. I might get back to it eventually

Quite pricey and not entirely worth it, but it's fun to just tune out and play for a while every now and then

One of my all time favorites. Gets super creepy at times. It's interesting to see Ame spiral while trying to keep her in check. Perfect for achievement hunters!

I mean, it's fun but there really isn't much substance here. Not that anyone expected it. If you just want to blow off some steam and do silly shit this is the game for you

Adorable characters and interesting gameplay, but feels clunky at times. Sometimes it gets a little hard to figure out what you're supposed to do next


Really think about who you want to play this with


Seemed really cute but it got grindy fast

I'd love to describe the game but I genuinely lack the vocabulary. Recommended.

Nice cozy game, similar to Coffee Talk

Probably the only game that has ever made me cry. It's beautifully made and will absolutely leave you in shambles