I'm pretty wishy-washy on this one. I was getting tired of it towards the end but I really wish it got more attention because it is good. The story and characters are exactly what you'd hope for. They go for the feel of the James Gunn movies but try some new things out and it does make itself unique.

I've beaten this one twice now and I'm not sure why. I really hated the story and characters, the villain is also pretty bland. I do like how pretty San Francisco is though and the drone is so helpful. Driving still sucks.

Another game that I didn't hate as much as other people did, maybe because I never got that hyped for it. Of course the trailers still don't live up to what we got but I liked Aiden and the gameplay was cool. The driving sucks.

Maybe the last good Far Cry game? At least, there's enough going on and the map is big enough/beautiful that it kept me interested. Joseph Seed is a good villain but I don't like how empty the main character is.

I've started and stopped playing this at least a handful of times and while I never hate it, I always get to a point that I never really feel the need to finish. So much running around and the enemies just become sponges.

Don't even know how many times I've played through and beaten this one (at least three). Excellent atmosphere, story, and characters. Such a variety of playstyles as well that you can really set out to tackle a level anyway you want.

I don't think I ever got around to the singleplayer in this one but I doubt I'm missing much. The multiplayer was much more fun that I was expecting and even surpassed my BF4 playtime.

A complete classic and so wonderful. I get a yearly itch to play this one and it always satisfies.

Played it all the way through in one sitting with the guys. It was fun but not much to it and don't see us going back.

Tons of fun playing this when it came out and provided for a lot more enjoyment than I think people were expecting from a WW1 game. Singleplayer was cool with the different stories.

This honestly might just be the best Battlefield game to date. An insane amount of memories and such a range is available in multiplayer. The number of guns and possible scenarios is mind-boggling. The singleplayer story is of course just whatever.

My favorite COD of all time. So many damn memories in this from the campaign to the multiplayer to the zombies. I can't even begin to think of how long I played this.

I always had trouble hating on this one because I simply didn't dislike it as much as other people. It introduces some new things but those are largely unmemorable. The story is bad but the Honey Badger is one of my favorite guns ever in COD.

It hasn't aged that well to be honest, but this is the "classic" of the series and Ezio is unmatched as a protagonist.

Such a classic and probably my second favorite COD game to date. Wonderful stories and memorable characters. The multiplayer is really simple but enjoyable.