28 reviews liked by Melaquias

I rarely ever play multiplayer games but this is the most fun I've had since playing Halo as a kid. Hard to put into words why it works so well for me, but everything is snappy, the progression is satisfying and it feels incredibly rewarding to clear some of the highest difficulties with strategy and skill.

Like the recent Lethal Company, it's also a game that will make people go for the Oscar when killed and generates some great moments with friends.

Was left utterly broken in tears at the end. Booted the infinite wealth demo after and went back to laughing. This series is so fucking special bros

A fun game but I felt the combat quite repetitive and didn't enjoy that the battles took place in spaced out arenas, I would have preferred the enemies were just spread out throughout the levels. I also found most of the music to be boring and repetitive, haven't managed to finish this one but may come back to it at some point. The levels and the game in general were a lot longer than I had imagined and it began to felt quite monotonous.

With Alan Wake 2 coming out soon I think there's a lot of people playing this cult classic for the first time. I gotta say, it really did not live up to its expectations for me. Not that I think its a bad game or anything, but it really just felt.. alright.

I understand that Alan wake was one of the first games that got meta like this, but I just felt very blasé the entire time I was playing it. The "meta" story felt very surface level, and the gameplay, while certainly fun at some points, became a slog because of how repetitive it became.

I respect the game, and its inspirations, but I think that for some people it just didn't age very well. If you loved this game, then power to you, but I believe that for what it tries to accomplish, it gets outshined by many other games in the genre.

Not my thing, it was cool to run around the world for a while. Just not into Souls games.

Love the concept of being a broadcast director for live-action footage where your choices about what to show on tv actually matters. Also the footage is genuinely well acted and very fun to watch and funny! Great story.

Really 2K?


Is this how low you want to stoop?

Are you really gonna use Kobe Bryant, a dead man on the special edition of your sports game just to make money?

You have hit a new low.

Sem palavras pra este jogo maravilhoso, foi INCRIVEL fazer 100% nele e merece tremendamente ter se tornado meu jogo favorito de TODOS! Inexplicável dizer tudo que esse jogo trouxe pra mim, uma experiência única.
Designs diversificados, a criatividade o artstyle SÃO FENOMENAIS. Não tem uma fase desse jogo que achei ruim, chata ou enjoativa e é muito satisfatório pegar as criações e melhorias. O final pra mim foi incrível, literalmente eu chorei e o choque que levei com a surpresa é indescritível.
Uma evolução ENORME do primeiro jogo, principalmente no combate e é uma demonstração de como deve ser feita uma sequência.
Apenas JOGUEM se possível, se curte plataforma ele é um jogo indispensável.
Só uma aviso no INICIO DELE, ele conta toda a história do primeiro jogo, e ele sofre um problema igual Banjo - Kazooie, sendo jogue o 1 ANTES do 2, parece meio obvio mas, ele é tão melhor em questão de gameplay e vai ser dureza você se acostumar a voltar pro primeiro.

🏆 Completado 100% - Xbox One

This is a good example of a game that if brought back and tried again, I think it could sell and be really good in the right hands.

You know that one scene in "How I Met Your Mother" where one of the characters feel like he feels like he's coaching a bunch of kids getting their asses kicked by a bunch of grown men? Yeah, that's what it feels like playing this game's MyCareer mode. It plays like friggin' garbage and feels like you're going up against Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. In short, don't play this game it practically feels unbalanced and super unfair.

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by ICQB45 |

31 Games