If I have to watch a mf tutorial to play a game and find where I'm supposed to go and how, maybe the problem is the game.

The game is cute and cozy and chill, and it's even beautiful at some points. But I've gotten stuck over and over after a while on complex crafting/fetching missions that just feel like too much for a cozy game, and managing the hostels shouldn't be as complicated as it is after some time - I was having serious trouble at it for no reason other than the clients being a bit unbalanced. I've dropped it, and I'm not sure I'll ever get back to it to finish it.

10/10 for two reasons: sex update, and dedicated BÉÉÉ button.

Hey, it is beautiful, the map, the environment is gorgeous, I've played hundreds upon hundreds of hours of this. I miss exploring just for the sake of it, I miss being interested in the story. But a year more or less in it is enough to get into the grinding of artifacts, materials, and overall just trying to get stronger characters, and by then it's just gacha, plain and simple. I've faced a few months where I hadn't played almost at all, the Genshin burnout is real. I'm facing one right now, after Fontaine, which was the most fun I've had with this game in ages. The game progressed a lot over the years, but at the same time I'm older now, and don't have the time Nor patience for more than 15 (!!!) hours of USELESS dialogue on an PURPOSELESS EVENT. If you're able to be casual about this game and is patient with the story, instead of grinding for primos and artifacts, it's VERY fun and beautiful, but if not, maybe save yourself the hours (and the wallet).

Cool as fuck concept, very pretty, the only shooting game I've ever liked.

It's beautiful but holy crap am I bad at this type of game

A lot was improved on the gameplay itself since the Borderlands 2. But the story is just so disappointing compared to the 2, I've dropped it and still don't feel like finishing it.

Jogo de balinha honestíssimo pra quem não gosta de jogo de balinha.

Is it good? No, it's not. Is it funny? Also no. But hey, you can say to your friends you played it!

Very fun, very cozy, the bachelors and bachelorettes are cute and varied, and the building system is great! The grind of materials is a bit annoying, but I've spend my far share of dozens of hours playing this beauty.

It's stunning, the game style is gorgeous, the story takes you routes you wouldn't imagine. It's obviously a work of love.

The kitchen is a war, and friendship is the price to pay for victory.

Pretty good! But it was more of a stepping stone for the 2 than anything, in my opinion.

This game changed rythm games forever!! It literally shaped an entire generation, and games that tried to follow its steps couldn't compare. "You rock" 🤘

We've came a long way since 2009 regarding games. The graphics of simulation games got way way better, the resources are plentiful and there are lots of them. And yet, every time I question myself what it means to be a fun simulation game, Chocolatier 3 is all that comes to mind. Extremely fun and straightfoward, cool story, and the administration mechanics should be the blueprint for nowadays games that have similar purposes.