With 3 soon I wanted to go back and beat 2's campaign as well as some turf war matches. Splatoon is such a fun series. I do think a lot of 2's singleplayer levels are designed poorly but it's hard not to enjoy the game with how snappy it feels.

This takes the amazing controls and gameplay of Copen in Gunvolt 2 and gives him his own game and it's fantastic. The final boss was insanely frustrating but otherwise, it's a really fun fast paced 2D platformer.

(Specifically the Switch version) It's been a while since I replayed Portal 1 and doing it again was so much fun. It has so much charm and the puzzles are all a blast to go through. The gyro on the switch could be better. I think all gyro aiming games should have a center button. Still a great game.

Really fun fighting game. The way it handles inputs makes the long strings and combos way more approachable than something like MVC. All of the characters are super cool too. Definitely recommend it.

This game is just awesome. I vastly prefer 2 over Crysis 1 because it's so much more of a focused game. The incredibly obtuse, hard, stupid sci-fi plot is amazing and I love it. Mechanically, it's much more engaging than a lot of FPS's at the time.

Really fun 2D action platformer. I vastly prefer Copen's gameplay over Gunvolt. Copen is way faster and overall the game felt more designed around him. Very fun, and I recommend giving it a try, even if you didn't vibe with Gunvolt 1.

This game is genuinely fantastic. On par with Spiderman in terms of superhero games imo. The gameplay was average, fun but nothing special, but the story/dialogue was great and sheer amount of it was quite impressive. I highly recommend it.

Surprisingly really fun character action game. The character designs are the exact kind of style I dig; scifi in suits. It succeeds in what it wants to do. Could be more polished and longer but both characters are fun and I had a blast!

Not really anything huge, super short tech demo but I love this so much. It adds weird lore to the portal universe and I love it for that.

This is a really dope shooter. Its got so much cool stuff going on. Wall running, time slowdown, destructible environments, grabbing guns off of enemies, it's really cool. Could definitely use some polish but I loved it a lot otherwise.

This game is very bad. It has TONS of potential, from every aspect. The premise of what this game is and what it sets out to do could make for a great Sonic game but it falls flat on execution and level design.

It's insane how by 2018, a Tetris game can still impress. It's not my favorite version of Tetris, that still probably goes to Puyo Tetris 2 due to its features but Effect is such an incredible experience just as replayable as any other Tetris game.

It's got a lot of strengths in combat and story, but with that, the open world felt dated. I felt there was little to tie the missions, the progression, and the checklist quests together. The DLC was the best part of the game and I'm looking forward to FW.

Idk. Saw a youtube video by DougDoug about Peggle controlled by Twitch chat and thought "hey that looks kinda fun" and it IS fun. The game does a good job at getting that dopamine response going. Fun little time waster.

This is Bayo at it's best and at it's worst. The story is worse than it's ever been, but the art and presentation is better than ever. The combat is great but it suffers from most enemies being designed with the demon summoning in mind. I do think it's a great time on the whole though. It's still Bayonetta and that's always fun.