742 Reviews liked by Metalswitchsnake

I rented this from blockbuster once. It was fun for 5 minutes.

I quite literally broke this game on my pc with too many mods and over 300 sims around the world that I switched back and forth between. It would take around 2 hours to load all my content and would crash after an hour. Master controller stole my insanity and any kind of structure I had. I became a villain. This is my origin story (no pun intended)

it had a "z" instead of an "s" in its title so it was cool.

Would you believe me if I told you this game had a solid 2/5 plot and you fought a wizard at the end?

Idk I never even got passed opening the vet



This game was basically a life sim where you HAPPENED to have a dog

Why the hell would I want to ‘imagine’ babyz?

Can someone tell my dogs I’m never coming home

This game on wii is dogshit. You dont find out the gender of the baby until after youre forced to name it and then it comes out as a fully developed 10 year old child.

I loved this game. Loved the visuals and creativity. Super cute!

I didn’t catch the coelacanth until 2018

There’s so much content and so many puzzles in this game to keep me playing for hours even after I finished it. Though it does feel like a Breath of the Wild reskin at times, the dialogue is hysterical and the customization options are amazing. The stunning visuals make this one of the prettiest games I’ve ever played. It’s a must-have if you’re a fan of Greek mythology





One time my mom asked me to put on Irish music on St Patrick’s day during our family gathering so I asked Alexa to play this games soundtrack and slowly started increasing the volume, I got 8 minutes into it before anyone noticed that it wasn’t Irish music.
Game is great.