Short but fun platformer. The graphics are great and the gameplay is fine. Gameplay is not that snappy like mario or donkey kong but not bad either.

Music is good to, especially the genie theme which is always great.

If you like platformers or Aladdin you should definitely not sleep on this one. If you like both and have not played it yet, you should do so asap because it's damn fun!

I'm trying to like this one but i just don't. The things i like are the music and presentation but the gameplay feels slow and unresponsive. It probably does not help that i suck at this game and i am playing on a PAL system, not sure. Just try it and see if you like it.

Fun to go back to from time to time, my favourite shooter on the SNES.

Soundtrack is fire and explosions are satisfying. it's fun to fully upgrade a weapon to find out what it is capable of but when i want to beat it i usually take the missiles.

Combat is amazing, reminds me a lot of monsterhunter, The rest of the game is a bit meh.

awesome graphics even better soundtrack but i hate the controls

Fun game today and probably amazing for it's time.
I played it for the first time in 2023 and i keep coming back to it. Local multiplayer for a quick laugh or single player to get better for the multiplayer.

Played it for the first time last year and want to play trough it again right now! It's so much fun fighting the almost too challenging bosses. But once you know each boss his weakness the game becomes a breeze, which is my only gripe i guess.

Not a bad game just a bit annoying imo. I didn't like the enemies and the camera angle was really bad sometimes. But i loved the action gameplay and music.

Masterpiece of it's time and still a great game. This is without a doubt the best version.

Pretty cool story with different time lines but boring gameplay. The different timelines did make me loose track of what happend in which specific timeline but was cool nonetheless. The reason i shelved it for now is the battle system. it is a fun idea but after 35 hours it gets pretty boring.

Multiplayer is great and still active in 2023 on ps4. Single player is not worth it imo


As someone who did not grow up with Doom and just played it yesterday for the first time im must say, this game is amazing and still fun to play today. The music is fire and in combination with fantastic the gameplay i really get in to da zone. DIE DIE DIE, KILL KILL KILL!!!! that vibe ya know

this is the first castlevania i have ever played and also the first snes game i felt compelled to finish.
It has great 2d action game play where you have to flick your whip in 8 directions and use slow paced platforming to get around the levels. There are also special items which are not completely useless which some people like to tell you.

The atmosphere is amazing and the soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard! Amazing game, holds up really well