160 Reviews liked by Micklo202

Honestly... it's not that good. We'll start with the good parts of the game, which there are a lot of! First off, the graphics are amazing, the 2D pixal art combined with the 3D background is just Chefs kiss. The characters designs reflect who they are very well and the general design of the game is very good. Music is alright, nothing special i would say. There are many minor things about the game that is also good but i won't go into those right now unless asked.

But where the game goes down for me is the gameplay, it's not good. It's WAY too simple. It's go down, catch some fish (and catching fish is very boring and monotonous, it's just the same each time with nothing especially cool or noteworthy happening), do your resturant business (which is also boring and monotonous) and repeat. That's the game.

It's got a good concept with a good vibe and story, but it's honestly just a glorified mobile game.

I actually enjoyed the sushi restaurant more than the diving, so felt like the balance was a bit off. But overall, very good fun.

Started because of Phyllis. She gets me acting up every single time.
It took me 10 hours to realize I actually don't like farming/life sim games. Even though it was such an 'obstacle', I enjoyed it while it lasted. After a while, everything started to feel like a 'burden' rather than an enjoyable experience. Everything feels so tedious and messy that I couldn't even finish building my first bridge during this time.

Having to make my own decisions was a terrifying experience. I will never do it again. And before anyone asks, I did it, everyone! I fixed her! (I got the good ending)
It was one of the best visual novels I have ever played. Great voice acting, great story, and the voices in my head are accurate. It's impressive that they are still updating the game, and a big update that'll extend the game by 25% is on its way. It's also not a very long game; I finished it in 5 hours because I took my sweet time and wandered around.
There was a sequence where I refused to continue doing what I was told, and the game shut down after the entity told me, "I will be here when you are ready" or something. I was flabbergasted. Next time I opened the game, that same entity welcomed me, and I continued where I left off.
I just wished that the Voice of the Hero and the Narrator's voice wasn't so identical.
It is truly a unique experience and a must-play.

It is a miracle that I got to finish this brilliant game, and now people can stop bullying me because I haven't played it before.

My rating criteria for this game are games released in 2010 and prior. 
I had so many technical difficulties. Even by the standards of that time, this game has so many bugs that softlock you, tons of crashes, and buggy graphics settings. Also, controls got bugged, and I couldn't press the ESC key at all. I had to Alt-Tab every time to pause the game. These technical problems made me finish the game in a week, in about 25 sessions.

However, the story was intriguing, and the horror elements were used in such an amazing way that I got scared of my own shadow multiple times. The library part was made because they hate us players and they want us to have a heart attack. Plus. I liked the funny Ulman jokes.

Oh, the ending was also crazy! Here is footage of me during the ending!

Game good but fuck you capcom

How do you manage to only have 3 low quality servers, increase the combined file size 10x, and have such dogwater connection issues in early 2000's PS2 titles? Either there was no QA work done at all, or the studio failed to even secure QA workers. Regardless, this is completely unacceptable and falls into the norm of modern games being ruined by unnecessary issues that can be easily fixed. Aspyr, you do not deserve profits for tarnishing the holy grails of Star Wars games and being disgustingly money hungry; you only deserve shame and humiliation. Be better.

To be clear, in Project A, shooting matters. You don’t kill with abilities. Abilities create tactical opportunities to take the right shot. Characters have abilities that augment their gunplay, instead of fighting directly with their abilities.

In some aspects, this is a downgrade from TTT2, especially regarding treasure battles and possible character customization.

However, it's still a very good entry to the Tekken franchise. The story mode is bonkers as always - but fun and has some tough battles in the end. Stage design is great, character variety is as top-notch as it should be and the soundtrack is also very diverse. Controls and gameplay are great, fluid and responsive. Visually the game still holds up and is very playable on older devices or on the Steam Deck.

It's just ... something is missing here. The magic that titles like Tekken 3, TTT2 or Tekken: Dark Resurrection had.

I do really like what they do with the Darksiders series and change up the games every entry, AND that they actually got to make every Horseman playable. I do find this isometric take very boring though, the gameplay just feels very non compelling.

I dunno what it is about this game. The gameplay is so boring, but strangely addictive. I was just in a constant state of "complete one more day" until it was over. It made me strangely emotional to lose officers and detectives to the random events and I was so obsessed with building my force and training them up just to have some people disappear randomly from my roster at points. I can't even articulate how strange this experience was.
Did I enjoy it? I can't even tell you, to be honest.

Super fun despite its pretty weak ending. Still great though!!





Honestly had a lot of fun with this one. The dialogue and character interactions are definitely the major highlight of the game and really carry the whole experience. It is a joy to watch these interactions and the near constant banter between the characters. The moment-to-moment gameplay is nothing particularly special, and the combat is a little wonky, but I had a good enough time with the entire thing.

Sims 4? That's the least best Sims game. I'll take it anyway though