Yeah, it is a cool game, there are Megazord battles so it is cool, there is multiplayer and despite it beeing short i had fun!
But what were they thinking on when they did the endless cave level?! i reseted the game 2 TIMES before realising it wasn´t games fault! i hate it and hope anyone google it, i want to see the other suffer what i suffered.

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The best of the three first games (obviously), but this is REALY good!, Protoman appears here (my favorite character) and when you defeat the bosses, you defeat the Mega Man 2 bosses! i mean this blew my mind! Mega Man 3 is Awesome!

Well, what can i say? it is classic! the songs are unforgivable, i played both versions (All Stars and NES) and the SNES version is better but, nothing can make me forgive this. (Who don´t know 1-1 song?)

I imagine how it was for anyone seeing an SNES with 3D graphics, the characters are cool and they talk to you (which is pretty cool) the idea of having different ways is cool to.

A weird game i need to say but, it is a good plataformer! i mean, the powers are cool. The bosses are a bit generic but the game goes well. (I am not saying it only cause there is a minigame "guess the color of the girl panties").

At first it was an normal game but, when i played it with my brother @VicViking123, the game became wonderfull, the experience made me come back to the time we played every game together in our videogames, Made me fell something i loved so, if it has something bad, i can relieve it. ❤

I played this game thinking i would find an simple beat an up. I was wrong,The change in the playstyle was very good and the final boss is a bit hard but a good kind of hard, the possibility to change your characters at the start of the level is awesome,The game is fast to beat but i gave me fun and, at the end this is what realy matters.

For the first time in color, people could see Kirby defeating classic enemies with tunes that make me happy in any moment (i realy can´t stop smile while hearing any kirby song), Graphics are colorful, Copy Abilities are cool. Isn´t the best kirby game but is an kirby game so 4 stars.

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Nintendo never taught this could be some of the best SNES Games, Amazing graphics, Funny characters, and Wonderfull musics. Also the prank in the final boss fight is an idea that i want to see again.

An wonderfull video game and one of the best off the mario series on my opnion, the post game after the special world is an cool idea, intruduced yoshis,has an amazing world and deserve 5 stars.