This dlc is amazing because it gives the courier a vague backstory without it being too involved in the plot of the main game and the lore in it is fascinating.

The best part in it was ulysses's yapping which was sometimes confusing but it was interesting, also ED-E's backstory is handled very well since it is revealed in audio logs when progressing in the Divide.

This characters here are very funny and very interesting but some of the dialogue is cringy and drags out way too much especially at the beginning when you are introduced to the think tank.

The exploration is better than honest hearts because atleast you can find something useful like upgrades to the sink when discovering new areas, but other than that it has way too many enemies when exploring and the missions suck.

The part about the tribes and joshua graham are very cool but the repetitive missions and lackluster areas make this DLC far worse than it should be

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The characters in this DLC are very good and they all are in the theme of "Letting go" which is this whole dlc's main theme, each character has to let go of something here but not me, I'm not letting go of these gold bars.

The atmosphere is amazing and the enemies remind me of Dead space with having to their damage limbs to kill them.

The only major downside in this DLC is the slave collar which make you quicksave and quickload every 2 seconds because of the death traps everywhere.

Cool idea with some funny characters but the level design is trash like the rest of the dlc's

Good atmosphere, interesting characters and good quests.

The final story missions in this one are actually fun with a satisfying ending but the tesla cannon sucks outside of vats

Cool looking area with a good quest and twists + having the ammo press is nice.

The level design is annoying to navigate through

pretty fun seeing war in anchorage but the quest actually sucks

also very good weapons and armor at the end which can set you up for the rest of the game

Played on the Begin Again modlist on wabbajack.

It was a gunplay was fine even with all the glitches but the story was so trash bad because you aren't given a choice with anything except for the project purity poisoning but you can't join factions, most side quests are immediately forgotten once you finish them and half of the map is so shit to walk through with forcing the player to go underground all the time which are the same looking areas over and over again.

The karma system is trash because if you want to be evil like what I tried to do you literally get no benefit and you get locked out of most quests because this game depends on the player being a goody two shoes to actually play alot of side quest.

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Tartarus should have been shorter and the last half of the game is a slog but otherwise this game is amazing.

Characters are have so much personality and all of them are amazing except for maybe fuuka and most of the social links are forgettable like p4.

Much can be said about the story and gameplay but I'm gonna keep it short and say that it's not as good as p5 in some aspects but way better than p4.

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To start off, the story in this game is amazing, the foreshadowing about the real killer and the mystery about him is done very well. All of the main cast in this game are likable except for teddy at the first half of the game where his voice is extremely annoying and he speaks every second in the first 3 palaces making them almost unbearable. ;)

I don't want to compare this game to persona 5 but comparing palaces the palaces I have to say that p4's are trash as they are just randomized like moments but with worse soundtrack on all of them except for nanako's palace which had an amazing ost.

The combat in this game is fine but the variety of enemies is what makes it unappealing to fight as almost all of the shadows are the same just more powerful and with a slightly different look, I also think the shuffle time mechanic itself is fine but not having negotiations and only way to get new persona's other than fusing is through the bullshit shuffle time that gives you mostly the same 3 or 4 personas in every palace so that you have to grind just to get the same persona while the others don't show up is very stupid.

The boss mechanics are decent but them being huge bullet sponges ruined them as I don't care to grind just so I can pass through a boss without spending 40 minutes fighting each one.

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The game is too big to summarize but I'll start off with saying that this is the best jrpg of all time, the turn-based combat is a little easy but still feels right and very fun, the story has amazing twists and almost all the main characters are good except for haru and yusuke, and there are someforgettable social links that didn't add anything huge like iwai, yoshida, hifune, ohya, and the really annoying mishima.

The royal additions come from the start with yoshizawa but the expanded arc of the best characters: akechi and maruki, come at the last portion of the game but their development is amazing and the last palace is the 2nd best behind the casino palace which has been in my mind from the first scenes.

There are still some bad parts like most of momentos, space palace, pyramid palace and there being too much dialogue stopping you especially at the first 10 hours of the game where you can't explore much and the start of some of the palaces but this game is amazing regardless.

Better than aria of sorrow but the last part was trash