Amazing and beautiful story. This was the first God of War game I ever played and it didn't disappoint. I loved my entry into the series.

Arthur Morgan is the best written and has the best character arc of any character in gaming, possibly fiction in general. I beat it 6 months ago and still think about this game daily.

Stunning. Beautiful world, bosses, and combat. Genichiro might be my favorite boss of all time. GOAT

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This was my first Soulsbourne game that I played and what an entry. During my playthough I felt the rush that all souls players feel when fighting a boss. The map and world of this game was so extensive that I never thought I'd find the end of the map. After 2 playthrough's, I'm still confident that I explore half the world. Horah Loux was my favorite boss for sure.

"Magic + Moonveil Katana - 113 Hours to complete
RANDOMIZER: Dex + Vyke Spear, Blasphemous Sword, Malenia Katana, Lords Great Sword - 52.2 Hours to complete"

I can see why this game is so beloved. With it being the second entry for this type of game from FromSoft, it has some clunkyness to it, but I loved it. Just felt different from the newer games, which is to be expected.

I have now played through this game twice and love it every time I load it up. There is no feeling like running through Dark Souls 3 with your friends and fighting bosses together. Even my solo run was fun as hell. I think my favorite boss here was the Nameless King, even though he is pretty tough nuts.

This game was longggg. I enjoyed a lot of the story, but my God was I tired of just liberating area after area. Each time I thought I cleared the last area, there was more to go. Just felt like a chore at the end. I had to take breaks a lot. I don't even think I beat it fully with story outside the Animus. I beat the main viking story and collected Thors armor, good enough for me.

Astonishing game. This game blew 2018 out of the water imo and that is saying something because 2018 was amazing. The entire story felt bigger and had a lot more intimate moments between characters, especially when I was exploring the world. Mimir might be my favorite character outside of Kratos. My one complaint is that the give hints wayyyyy too early if you get stuck on a puzzle. It felt like the game was treating me like I was stupid for not figuring out a puzzle within the first 2 minutes of looking at it. That is my only complaint about the game though.

Amazing story and gameplay. It took a little to get used to the gunplay and how it felt navigating the world, but once I got used to it, I really loved how realistic it felt. I watched the show first and I can definitely see some things the game did better and some things the show improved on. Great game, can't wait to play the second one.

Absolute perfect spiderman game. The story was phenomenal. In most open world games today, I feel like traversing the world can be a chore and a pain without fast travel, but I didn't want fast travel at all. It was so much fun swinging through NYC.

Such a fun and mysterious game. Playing Co-op was always amazing and discovering the secrets of the island together. I thought the story was great and didn't expect a choice at the end of the game.

Really fun to puzzle game. My buddy Aaron and I played through this and it was fun. Play stoned if you want to play on hard mode.

Another really great entry. Aaron and I also played through this one together. All the puzzles were great with some being harder than ever.

Not the best entry. It is extremely buggy and the puzzles aren't hard. We solved one of the puzzles in 2 min, but it took us like 30-45 min to actually complete the puzzle. Really frustrating entry. The graphics in this one looked better than the first 2, however.

Such a fun game, especially with a friend. My buddy Nick and I played through this and had a blast playing it.