2 reviews liked by Minecraft_Steve



The tone, atmosphere, and sheer detail are off the charts here. It felt like a theme park ride, where every moment has something neat to look at. The robot design is incredible and the amount of animation for the npc's and the cat itself is lovely. It feels a bit underwhelming that despite this much care put into how the game looks, it is a bit lackluster when it comes to storytelling. This game tells us a lot, even though it could quite easily just show us. too much narrative weight and responsibility is given to this seemingly normal feline. This could have quite easily been a masterful game with no dialogue, where the scenery has to be the main push, but instead, we get subpar dialogue exchanges and a half-hearted attempt at a collect-a-thon. Nowhere near a deal breaker, but this is the kind of thing that separates a game I'll think about for years and one that comes and goes.

I wrote a longer review for a website, but here is my favorite portion of that piece:

"It’s difficult to describe how good “Pizza Tower” is because there is no other game like it. The only way I can accurately define it would be to call it a high-concept alt-rock Nickelodeon-core freak-style game. I couldn’t even tell you what that means, but that is exactly why “Pizza Tower” feels so fresh and unique."

Full Review