My journey playing a bunch of DiSparate DS games

NUMBER #6 - Started 12th Jan 2024 - nds-bootstrap
NUMBER #2 - 15th-17th Sept 2023 - Flashcart
VERY hot video game, although it occasionally freezed but that's alright. Had to look up a guide for some of the puzzles but mostly intuitive
[4/5] - #41
NUMBER #0 - Started 30th Sept 2019 - nds-bootstrap
Played this in 2019 so it's more honourable mention. Very nice. My first instance of a common DS design sensibility, having one core mechanic (i.e.: picking up trash and throwing it) and the game building on that
[4/5] - #64
NUMBER #7 - Started 5th Feb 2024 - nds-bootstrap
NUMBER #4 - 25th-28th Sept 2023 - flashcart
Delicious game. Maybe the best "adaptive music" game I've ever played - I don't have the music theory groundings to understand how it works but it's all very cool
[4/5] - #43
NUMBER #1 - Started 22nd Mar 2023 - nds-bootstrap
Not finished but got to World 4, this game owns. Little 3D platformer where you flick around, has a satisfying time trial mode too. You can also play OG Pac-Man
NUMBER #5 - Started 28th Sept 2023 - flashcart
[Abandoned for now; will revisit later]
Nora and the Time Studio: The Witch of the Misty Forest
NUMBER #3 - 19th-25th Sept 2023 - nds-bootstrap
Very cute, very cool, relaxed game. Surprisingly well-oiled systems if you hit it more than once - having no online resources and intuiting how it clicks yourself is really satisfying
[5/5] - #20


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