Very sad no Kevin Conroy or Mark Hamill. Doesn't quite reach the same heights as the first two.

Playing Smash on the 3DS can definitely feel clunky, but smash run is a far superior mode to what we got on Wii U.

Doesn't have zombies. Survival is mid.

This game is very pretty and has some of the best feeling combat/movement of the infamous games. But my god has the story and good/evil decision-making been dumbed down since the first game.

I love when Mario RPGs can get weird with their stories. This game slaps and spending half the game playing as Bowser is awesome.

I have a lot of good memories playing this game. Smash can never be bad, but this game was a little underwhelming.

This is the best Mario Party game in the last decade. That's not saying much though. And considering that It's just remade content from the N64 games, It's a little bit ridiculous that it has less boards than the games that came out 20 years ago. (This game has 5 boards. For reference the first mario party has 8, and 2 & 3 have 6)

Peak beat-em up. I also like Newgrounds

Fun to play with friends. My friend Smashed his wii remote against the wall because we kept bouncing on his head.

Pretty fun game. The way you can only play 2 maps at a time can be quite annoying because I felt like I kept getting the same 2 when I wanted to see everything the game had to offer. Making salmon run unavailable during certain times of day was really stupid too.

Best Pokemon Game. 2 regions to explore and even Platinum's battle frontier on top of it. The amount of content in this game makes any modern pokemon game look pitiful.

This game is fine. Better than X and Y but that's because it's just a remake back from when gamefreak used to make good games. But they couldn't even remake the entire game because they're too lazy. The battle frontier is gone, and in its place is a model of the building that would have been there, saying it's "Under Construction". What A cop-out. Yeah, the Delta Episode is cool and all but that's a one-and-done thing. you do the whole thing in about an hour and then it's over forever. you can't go back and replay it.

This was my first pokemon game and that's why I like it. Yes I know Platinum is better.

This was the last pokemon game I played, and it was pretty good. Definitely seems better than any of the games released on switch (Besides Arceus). This was the last game they allowed you to turn off the broken exp share, and it gave a pretty solid challenge throughout. It's nice to see 3D trainer models finally appear (It's frankly baffling that something so simple couldn't have made it into generation 6, but I digress). The game has a decent postgame but man am I tired of these Battle tower/tree/manor/whatever. It's so lazy, just a bunch of battles and then a final, slightly harder one at the end. Whatever happened to the battle frontiers in Gen 4? with all the cool battle modes that would keep me playing those games for 100s of hours? At least you could encounter characters from other games in this one, it made it a bit more interesting.

I was so excited for pokemon to move to 3D. It was the downfall of the series and sucked all of the life out of it. They're still using the same damn models and animations 10 years later.