I like that Lloyd Irving is in it

I didn't enjoy this one as much as V2, It felt super duper repetitive, go to this realm solve this problem, also I believe 90% of the music was just recycled? the new music that was in this xpac though was really great

I think this is one of the best base games I've played, it's kinda hard to say because I didn't play it on release, but just talking about what I've played I thought it was really neat and I loved the ending

As everyone will say and I'll agree with the pacing was terrible but I really liked the areas and Anlucia is awesome definitely see why she's hyped up

Pretty great game really just feels like JSRF 2 and that's a good thing, I have minor complaints that don't really matter, Unlockable characters are insanely annoying to unlock and don't seem to be around the hideout, Jet and Switch(renamed to Jay and Base) are DLC which is unfortunate and they also don't hang around the Hideout at all, The game doesn't really tell you how anything works? like how Inline Skates can break glass below you, or how Combat works but maybe I just missed a few things. Overall pretty great would love to see a sequel or see Sega hire this team to make a JSR.

I revisited this game and this game deserves a remake big time because holy moly it has not aged well lol.

They act like two legends can't exist

This game is misunderstood, It kinda reminds me of a SaGa with the whole no levels, unique ability/magic system and gaining raw stats through content.

The music is godlike and the story is pretty neat. It's unfortunate the Chrono Saga had to end here. This game isn't Trigger but that's fine it doesn't have to be it's it can hang on it's own.

Oh also the port for this game blows dicks, but I wanted to play on this version cause there is a lot of neat mods, If you don't care about mods I encourage you to just play the original, but maybe the remaster is more functional on consoles.

Anyways! definitely give this game a chance and look up some videos about the battle system if it confuses you.

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After all these years they finally gave Ganondorf a great fight, I didn't really fuck with BotW I thought it was alright, but this game man this game feels like what everyone was hyped about back when BotW dropped

It's the only Advance Wars game I was really into

A guilty pleasure of mine, I really enjoy it despite it's flaws but if people hate it I wouldn't argue I would be like you do you king but one man's trash is another man"s treasure

This game made me realize I love women

This game is trash but it's MY crash