Let's get my criticisms out of the way, and I'm gonna try and keep it spoiler free

What I didn't like: How much a certain theme gets used over the Barracuda theme, How grindy the early game feels(not for power but for money), I don't really like the island Animal Crossing thing replacing the Manager minigame, I don't really like either but as far as 100% goes the Manager game was the lesser of two evils, How fucking LATE you got Han lmao.

All that being said games still a 10/10 like one of the best games RGG has ever created, I think it's impressive for a studio that has made a grand total of 2 RPGs can create a good one with a decent foundation as well as one that just blows that last one out of the water.

As far as the writing goes, I think it's really great I also love the advancement of Kiryu's character, Finally he accepts help(I mean he did in previous games but he's not as stubborn) of course this was done for the gameplay to make sense but I think the way it's written makes sense. I also wanna say that there are a lot of scenes where certain characters in previous RGG games would be brutaly killed in dumb ways to add more suspense, I would say that this is one of the first RGG game where I feel like not a single death was dumb(This could change I am literally 1 chapter before the final one but I doubt my opinion will change)

EDIT: I beat the game yesterday and yeah, It's still 10/10 the ending is really great and I'm looking forward to the future, RGG has definitely won me over I mean I've played pretty much everything they put out but this entry has won my commitment for the rest of my life, not to sound dramatic.

Really solid remaster, there are some thing that I don't like but the good definitely outweighs the bad for me and the bad is just a small nitpick like them nerfing how much gold sells for lol. The translation is still rough around the edges even in the new scenario that was cut from the original game but it is what it is not a huge issue to me.

Anyways SaGa Frontier was already one of my favorite games and remastered did the original justice while adding in optional stuff that was cut. If you're looking for something non-linear with tons of wacky mechanics look no further.

Also I recommend you start with either Red, Asellus or Emilia first.

Liu Kang dies in the intro shit game

I have had over 5 playthroughs of this game between my first playthrough on 3DS and all the other versions, I never actually got around to playing the Definitive Edition till recently and man, They weren't lying when they said this was a "Definitive Edition" except for ONE thing I'll get to later.

Battle Speed selector is great, Fun-Size forge being used anywhere(Also being able to get buyable items even if you don't have them on hand), I played with JP voices and thought they were great, I actually used a mod for more variety in the music which if you're on PC I highly recommend that but if not the music is fine.

As for that one thing I have an issue with is The World of Tickington and really it's just a small nitpick, in the DS version of the game when you went there if you for example enter Dragon Quest IV world, the cast would look like DQ IV sprites and so on, was such a cool little feature that I'm sad is gone from the definitive edition, also I'm sad the monsters in Tickington weren't animated like the DS remake Dragon Quest games but outside of that it's really cool to see this brought back for console!

Onto the meat, I feel like this cast truly is an all-star cast, No one is really wasted and everyone contributes something. It's REALLY REALLY hard for me to choose a favorite character in this game it's just such a well balanced cast. Probably my favorite in any video game. I also like the small things they do with the Hero in cutscenes to kinda give him some flavor.

There is so much I want to say about this game but it really is a near perfect game and it's flaws don't really bug me that much, I have an even bigger appreciation for this entry after playing through every single mainline DQ(Including DQ X) It really does reward those who have played every entry.

Here is to hoping that in the future we get older DQ games preserved and on modern hardware so more people can experience this legendary series.

This game made me realize I love women

This games a goddamn masterpiece

Damn I need me a freak like that!!!!!! 💯😩🤤

This was a step down from the original, Music is weaker, Zangetsu is just extremely slow and feels gutted compared to CotM1, Which is unfortunate cause that's your main dude. The level design is weak, feels like the game was designed around you playing as Hachi and being invincible the entire time. I think it's worth one playthrough of Episode 1 but Episode 2 and onward are kinda zzzz. It's definitely less of a spiritual successor to Castlevania and something else entirely different.

I think this is a pretty solid remake but I have some nitpicks

-30 FPS everyone has talked about it initially I didn't think it'd be that bad but it actually is slightly annoying especially when you put the games side by side
-changing the Boo's from bunny ears to cat ears. Okay I admit this is a me thing but why???
-The text speed is abysmally slow, I'm not sure they did this because of some background interactions? but they coulda just made it so it's slow only for that and maybe not for every dialogue box?

The good.

-The music is fantastic, t hough it does sound a little Fire Emblemyyy??(I'm pretty sure it's the same composer and this isn't really an issue just wanna mention it)
-QoL to the backtracking. This personally never bugged me but it is nice to save a couple of minutes on the backtracking, It made Chapter 4 extremely fast. I think if the textspeed wasn't so slow it'd be signficantly faster than the original.

In Conclusion: This is a pretty solid remake, I hope 64 gets the same treatment but please please don't skim on the FPS

I think this game is solid and I like how Peach is kinda just doing her own thing and nothing is tied to Bowser or Mario.

Where I have issues with this game is just how annoying it is to 100% the game and how anti-replay friendly it feels? For example You have to collect these "Sprites" and there is like 9 per level(Off the top of my head) say you miss the 7th one, You have to just straight up replay the entire stage again, There is no checkpoint system or anything and it's actually hard to die so I don't know if dying would make this easier.

I dunno I think Super Princess Peach was a more enjoyable game but I hope regardless of how this game is received they don't give up on giving Peach as well as Daisy and other characters more games.

This game is literally Puyo and if you like Puyo I dunno how this would be any different

I just wanna comment on some personal stuff that I think only I would care about but, This game probably has the most unique black NPCs in any Japanese game I've played lol, none of them are using that fuck ass Kilmonger haircut either.

Okay onto the actual game, I would assume a lot of people would not like the open world cause it's a bunch of checklist stuff rather then an emphasis on exploration(This isn't an issue for me at all I prefer this if we aren't gonna get traditional world maps), I think the characterization of some characters mainly Yuffie and Red XIII were really strong in this game, Yuffie was one of my favorites before but Red XIII is up there they did a fantastic job with him.

Lastly, I did know about the contents of the ending before the game dropped and without spoiling anything I think the ending is gonna be a huge jumping off point for a lot of people, I didn't mind the ending but that's probably because interviews prepared me for it lmao

Still a bit mixed on how I feel with the execution of this remake but hey maybe we will get that faithful one 20 years later haha.

When I got a girl around me I’m f#%king her twice a day lol ask some of ya favorites … pussy don’t control me but it’s like a high… one love to the gay people but that juicy p#%sy do it for meeeeee 😁 I done ran red lights to get that feeling yall weird on here like devils lol

They brought Lil Drac Drac game wtf that's cool