Another Cells game down. Good puzzles, but a little bs near the end.

One of the cutest, comfiest games I've ever played. The late game is a little repetitive, but still enjoyable.

A great aim-trainer to hop in with my buddy from time to time.

S - Collective Consciousness

A - Red Sun, The Only Thing I Know For Real

B - A Stranger I Remain, Stains Of Time, The Hot Wind Blowing

C - I'm My Own Master Now, It Has To Be This Way, Rules Of Nature

Honorable Mention: A Soul Can't Be Cut between Stains Of Time and A Stranger I Remain

I bought this for the Amaterasu courier in DOTA, but then realised, "Hey, wait a second. This game is actually, like, amazing?" I have never swapped off the Amaterasu courier since.


So much content, and it all looks so beautiful. The writing in this game is immaculate.


This game feels like the most complete package of all the DS games. Sure it's a lot more linear than the open "go anywhere" worlds of 1 and 2, but that one path is incredibly polished. It chugs along like a good, well-oiled machine. I played this game after Elden Ring and I have to say after that, the bosses in this game felt like paper and did not live up to the hype of their difficulty. No boss broke double digit deaths for me with the closest being Pontiff Sulyvahn, and Sister Friede, both at 9 deaths each. Now, that's not to say I thought that the bosses were worse off for it. On the contrary. The bosses in this game (while maybe could spare to be just a little bit tanker) were really fun, and most importantly, felt fair. I would even agree that they're some of the best in the entire SoulsBorneRingKiro? series. They just simply don't hold a candle to the bullshit of some of the Elden Ring bosses difficulty wise. My favorite boss was Gael. He was just really fun and cool, not much more needed to say.

I thought I was big brain by 100%ing all of the HexCells games, but the later levels in this game come to remind me that, no, I am still in fact very small brained.

I'm really bad at this game, but also really like BlazBlue. Susano'o is one of the coolest characters, ever. MUST DIE is fucking phenomenal.

A fun top-down roguelike with a music gimmick. Its good enough for what it is.

This game looked like it would be a blast to play with friends, but the stupid way they set up servers is infuriating and archaic. The early game was also a lot slower and painful than I initially thought it'd be. All this on top of taking up such a large amount of space on my computer, and taking forever to download, it left me with a sour impression of the game walking away. But hey, at least I got it for free!

The games fun and looks beautiful, but when it comes to games like this I personally prefer Vampire Survivors.

Playing this game blind as a group of 4 with friends was some of the most fun I've ever had playing a co-op game. Just a bunch of chimps going to war against the big monkey. After about 7h of learning and understanding Bigfoot's AI however, the game's novelty wore off. But it was certainly fun while it lasted!