13 reviews liked by MobyNickDick

Being a LoL player is like being a drug addict: You cant stop and once you start to put it off, Worlds happens and you relapse back into playing this cancer of a game.

very addicting and time consuming, still a great game it's been released far back and it still getting updates frequently,
+ many different characters to play
+ so many mechanics
+ after couple years of playing u can still learn new stuff
+ multiple game modes
- long games
- afk players (during games no solution)
- + team depending

I generally don't like games that are so much luck-based.

Yes, I'm salty.

I generally like luck based games.

No, I'm not salty.

also I won

I first started playing Minesweeper in school during the more boring lessons. This pastime activity quickly turned into a destructive habit that let me feel the pain of addiction without having to consume any psychoactive drugs. Every time I am in front of my screen and zoning out just a little bit, I catch myself pressing CTRL + N, typing "min" in the chrome tab, and pressing enter, all in the matter of a split second. Obviously, with this big of a habit, the gameplay changed a lot too. Now it wasn't about solving the minefield, but about doing it as fast as possible. At the time of writing this, my personal highscore lies at 65 seconds (I'll update my current pb's at the end of this review). Such a time isn't possible with logical thinking though. To accomplish such a thing, many possible constellations of colorful numbers and their solutions have to already be engraved in your brain, so you don't have to think about the clicks you're doing. This is the perfect setup for a never-ending flowstate. The only time, I am torn out of this parallel dimension is when my eyes are starting to burn from not blinking for ten minutes.

Overall great game, can't recommend it enough.
However, if your future plans are forming a family and having an actual career, don't even think about touching this game.

Minesweeper Personal Bests

Beginner - 2s (?)
Intermediate - 21s (19.07.2022)
Expert - 53s (15.12.2023)

Expert (No Flag) - 82s (19.07.2022)

It uses its mechanics ""elegantly"" (as in, it's very simple and efficient for the player to understand and use), yet by the later half of the game, its kinda held back from its limited mechanics. This also impacts the boss mechanics: While it makes use of all of the players toolset, some can feel relativitly janky (see lava slime boss). It doesn't help that the bosses dont feel like bosses, but rather like "short super-meat-boy like puzzle levels". By that I mean the player is just trying to quickly go through the first 30 seconds of the encounter and try to hit its weakspot without dying. Doing so otherwise complicates the fight unnecessarly and just makes it way too hard and tedious than it needs to be.

It's an alright game with a cool hyperfocus on one mechanic, but that is pretty much it.

The most exhilarating french tennis experience.

Towerfall is the best local multiplayer experience I had with friends. Its got enough skill and luck involved that makes it sooo engaging. The movement is splendid and it is truly a wonderful experience. Sadly the singleplayer is kinda shitty and it lacks online play, but despite that its a great game you shoud play.

car go not where I want this mfer to go.

Just counting the days when I suddenly crave Minecraft and I play it non-stop for 2 weeks, only to drop it for half a year. This cycle will follow me til I die.