The worldbuilding makes me go insane

In the best way possible. Nobody is good in this universe, everyone wants to kill and eat each other.

Rough around the edges as far as gameplay and graphics goes, but the sound design and story is peak.

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The game's first few seconds give the perfect intro; The 'beep of a DOS engine starting, the crunchy sounds of the era - and the chaotic mess of Japanese characters that then form the publisher's name.

One of the best openings to a game, and one that properly represents the game, as well.

Despite how hard the game is, one of the things that many people forget to mention is that unlike in Darkest Dungeon, Fear & Hunger - or other games of that ilk, who pride themselves on being hard and refuse to compromise - World of Horror has multiple varying difficulty ratings, as well as challenges of also varying difficulty.

It's very much a 'play it how you enjoy it' type of game, where almost all content (except for some of the harder challenges) are able to be accessed no matter what difficulty level you're on.

The mysteries that have been newely added are excellent, and set themselves apart from the mysteries that were in at the start of the game by having much more complicated 'moving parts', or taking place in a singular, much more fleshed out, location.

The art (which is all done in MS paint) is terrifying on a level that is matched only by Junji Ito himself, despite some of the designs in-game being admittedly sillier than I would like.

However, the Old God ideas and designs are perfect (with some being inspired by other media, and others being more original), and the overall look, combined with the music of course, leads to a genuinely tense experience.

The characters are all varied and interesting as well, providing a breadth of playstyles.

Unless you like strength/STR. STR weapons are awful for some reason, at least in my experience

It's an excellent game with an excellent gameplay loop. Far better than the original Fear & Hunger.

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Excellent gameplay and music - alongside welcome additions of an entire new series of weapons for you to use.

Level 1 - Very Good! Harder than base game, and you feel it. It's excellent, especially the mystery of what is killing the Xenomorphs.

Level 2 - Finally revealing what is killing the Xenomorphs, I enjoy the different types of Pathogen Xenomorphs. The Blight is good. The Brute is good. The Stalker returns.

However - their underuse of them is what it falls into, which applies to the base game as well.

The underuse of specialized enemies, instead falling back on basic Xenomorphs, is a gigantic issue within the game. They do not want to reveal their hand, but even when they reveal their hand, they never full reveal it.

The same applies to the cover mechanics, which are used once or twice (in only three missions total!) against enemies which are excellent yet, once again, underused.

What I would like to see is maybe fighting Weyland-Yutani commandoes, or Three World Empire soldiers. Or perhaps UPP agents?

Level 3 - Good, but the boss fight is an undercooked bullet sponge. Bad enough to knock an entire star off.

Nonetheless, a good DLC.

A good aesthetic hampered by sometimes irreversible decisions in which it asks you if you want to do something - and a single mispress can doom your entire playthrough.

The coins system is also, while thematically excellent, not good.

Or, without a full party it isn't good.

It falls into 'Darkest Dungeon syndrome', where a very good aesthetic and gameplay covers up the issues. But unlike Darkest Dungeon, this is a good game.


Despite the occasional glitchiness and simplicity of the gameplay, it proves itself in being extremely fun and having characters I quickly get invested in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Jackie Welles!"

The gunplay feels amazing. The hacking on the fly? Also amazing. My only issues with the gameplay itself would be the uh... Propensities of police AI to just start immediately shooting you.

They could do with taking a page from the GTA book and having cops have multiple responses to being intruded upon that are not just "immediately kill this person".

when you le drink and le drive

It was fun.

Then it stopped running.

It's good. However, it needs a lot more details.

It's like an even better Goldeneye.

Controls are... Hard to use and the boss fights are positively weird.

But fun.

Honestly one of the best Tetris games ever. Story Tetris goes hard!

Attempting to drive a warthog over a ramp and into a scarab was really funny.