65 Reviews liked by Monty

Yeah, Leon Kennedy fought an army of brainwashed cultists, saved the presidents daughter and managed to do like a thousand backflips through various lasers. However, I have one question; did he do it in heels?

The state of the PS3 port for this is inexcusable (I had to fight through so many freezes just to finish the game), but considering what Obsidian had to go through in order to make this and how Bethesda completely fucked them over, this is a flawed masterpiece that will always be a favorite of mine.

I’d say this is about as good as video games get. So fun and honestly anyone can pick it up and have a great time with it.

So so good and honestly my favorite sci-fi universe ever created (yes, more than Star Wars, fight me). Managed to make it through the suicide mission with only one crew death this time which is a new record for me, but still disappointed I couldn’t save everyone. Oh well, it’s not like this is the last time I’ll ever play this game, so I have plenty more opportunities to try again. The best of the best in pretty much every regard.

What an interesting and bizarre conclusion to a beloved series. I love this game and hate it at the same time, but I also understand that EA put BioWare in a very compromising situation by forcing monotization into the core gameplay as well as getting the full scope of the story.

I know there are some who consider the extended cut endings to this game to actively betray what the original intent was, but honestly since they’re free it’s up to the player how they want to proceed. I decided to choose destroy for this playthrough, and I found it a lot more narratively satisfying than the control or synthesis endings, but that’s just me. Personally, if I put hours and hours into a game to ensure the victory of my protagonist, then I want that victory to be achieved.

Idk, this is a mixed bag but it’s one I’m glad exists because of how much there is to talk about and analyze. I feel like a ton of the issues with this game would have been solved if instead of just one game it was two, but trilogies are a lot more marketable I guess. Oh well, it is what it is, and at least it’s not Mass Effect: Andromeda.