65 Reviews liked by Monty

If you let Tumblr fandoms ruin a game for you, you need to grow up.

remember when the internet tried to convince itself this game was bad actually. lmao

I can tell why this is where people started getting really into persona but man is it showing its age nowadays. Coming back to this after playing P5 was such a slog that it's hard to rate it well. Definite diamond in the rough, but emphasis on the rough.

Story's insanely hit or miss, with like one good scene in between every few ass ones. Main cast is either some of the best written and well developed characters in a JRPG (namely junpei and yukari) or so simple and underdeveloped it's comical (most everyone else). Painfully dull like fifty percent of the time.

If you complain about the tactics system tho you're a massive dumbass. Coming from someone who doesn't like tactics based combat, I can say there's basically nothing wrong with this games combat. Just dont be dumb.

also nobody cares about the answer lol

does not have a plot for 50 hours and playing it actively hurts but it's still alright

Just when I thought I was having a great time with this game, the mods I installed caused constant crashes, so I think this game must be cursed for me or something. Was gonna do all the DLC again but I’m honestly kinda burnt out and want to play a different game. I’m hoping modding Fallout 3 and even the Elder Scrolls games gives me more of what I wanted from the PC gaming experience, because as much as I love it, New Vegas is still capital B BUGGY and will unfortunately always be that way unless Bethesda and Obsidian re partner through Microsoft and give this game a much needed remaster. Probably will never happen, though. :/

So fucking broken it’s insane this was even released (I couldn’t finish the game because one of the puzzles actually broke and I couldn’t progress).

Once upon a time, videogames had music.

Overall a really solid experience and a great new direction for the franchise, but it’s definitely flawed and the entire ship section really could’ve been cut. Really excited to play the DLC for this, and this makes me even more hyped for 8/Village than I already was!

This is very hard for me to write about things in this game my feelings are all over the place it's hard for me to accurately write something about it that will sound unbiased. I have played a lot of these types of games and I will say that none have a presentation like this game. Riding around on your horse seeing the landscape it's all cool the music I think is one of the things I think that's also really improved from other titles. The restrictions on powerstancing as well as weapon arts doing damage and being worth a damn is another. However, enemy and boss design seems to have taken a massive step back in terms of challenge, fairness, and fun if you're playing solo with no spirits. If you're summoning spirits at every opportunity you should be fine as the aggro from the boss ping pongs back and forth gives you time to heal but it seems that doing it solo would just be a pain in the ass. Some bosses can animation cancel and have can extend their hits after a successful dodge effectively punishing you for playing well. Another issue is some of the recycled content. Some bosses early are just reskinned enemies with a big health bar this also did happen in bloodborne but that was more due to how chalice dungeons worked here it's more prevalent. Especially some like falling star beast. Near the end of the game, most of the things you're faced against have major HP bloat even with my weapons at their max it felt like I wasn't doing enough damage. There are major issues with this game and that's not going into the actual performance issues, or how the engine being stretched to its limit I think is causing some of the actions to be queued a second later which feels like input lag. It's not a bad game but if you've played DS3 or Bloodborne all the issues those games had feel amplified here. Armor is still just as useless enemies are hyper-aggressive but you're not at bloodborne speed to counter it. I keep hoping that fromsoft makes a game where the challenge is tied to you being on equal terms with the enemy and sekiro seemed a step in the right direction. the game asks you to learn its combat system and adapt and in doing so you get a slick tight action game. Here is much more feels like the game is asking you to use everything to your advantage and while yes the basic gameplay is solid it's a souls game it always will be summoning spirits and taking turns sharing aggro doesn't feel as fun as the soul of cinder, kalameet, or Sir alonne. I can tell though this will either get a sequel or something from is making massive amounts of money on this I would hope this would be the end as it feels like Miyazaki and the team want to make an action game and i just hope that's what they do I think they shouldn't put out another one of these if only because it feels like they want to switch entirely. People who started with this game will enjoy it and I'm happy for them I wish I could enjoy it more.

At the core of why I enjoy fromsofts games is almost certainly their capacity to produce some of the most gratifying boss encounters in gaming. Sekiro (and bloodborne before it) sharpened that experience into an even deeper and more demanding dance with death, requiring mastery of many mechanics that allowed boss encounters to be more interactive than any of the other souls entries could ever hope to be.

Elden Ring is not a tight, mechanically demanding experience. Its big, open, and encourages the player to explore and take in the admittedly staggering scale of the world, enjoying whatever they may find; sadly, however, I did not enjoy my time exploring the Lands Between. With its open structure in place, boss balancing becomes nigh impossible. Some people could fight one at level 100, and another at level 10. What this means is that instead of having to learn a boss, I'm much more likely to just decide that I'm underlevelled and come back later with higher stats, further reducing the interactivity. I feel no satisfaction having beat something because my vigor was 10 points higher.

Level design has also been warped to facilitate the open world structure of Elden Ring which means the memorable areas of games gone have been erased. Massive open vistas filled with nothing take over from the stunning architecture of Anor Londo, entirely generic dungeons litter the world with reskinned bosses replacing the plague stricken streets of Yharnam, and nothing even comes close to capturing the diverse atmosphere of Demons' Souls archstones.

I'm under no illusions as to why this game is so well received. To many people, the freedom of exploration with no limits seems to be the pinnacle of gaming achievement, but to me all it does is stretch the time between what I play these games for, and even sour it due to the open worlds sheer demand for content; a majority of which is either reskinned, reused, or straight up boring.

I genuinely believe Fromsoft have taken two steps forward and one and a half steps back with each successive game. First with Bloodborne into DS3, and now with Sekiro into Elden Ring. The Dark Souls style of combat is inherently limited, and that limit had already been stretched far too thin within the trilogy; I can only describe returning to that primitive style after having already surpassed it as complete and utter madness.

Bigger is not always better.

Look, I know this is probably surprising considering how many people (my self included) have been absolutely dunking on this game since the moment it was released. However, my experience with this game ended up being a lot more positive than I was anticipating.

Don’t get me wrong, the bugs in this were really annoying, and I think that this is the most a game has ever crashed on me before (a possible tie being New Vegas). Still though, once I settled into the rhythm of the game and updated it a few times, I started having a much better experience. The writing, voice acting and character animations are all top notch, and the quests related to these characters are easily the strongest aspect of the game.

I know there’s a great game buried underneath the clunky mess we ultimately got after 8 long years of waiting, but it’s still a good game and it’s achievements shouldn’t be discounted. I hope the big updates in January and February make an actual difference, and I really hope that if there’s DLC or even a sequel to this that CDPR learn there lesson about the true effects that crunch can have on their workers and ultimately the final product.

Wow. Just fucking wow. I’m haunted, destroyed, and blown away all at the same time. Truly a life changing and beautiful experience, and one of the best games I’ve ever played. Gonna need to sit with this one for a while.

Imagine if Breath of the Wild controlled like dogshit and took itself way too seriously, that’s this game in a nutshell. I’ll admit I enjoyed the first two thirds quite a bit and the 6th & 7th Colossi are some of the best boss battles I’ve ever played, but good god the sloppy controls in this ruin so much of the fun that could be had with this game.

Honestly one of the most overrated games I’ve played in a while. I hope the miserable failure of The Last Guardian taught Team Ico the true importance of evolution, because despite this being a supposed remake it still plays like a busted up PS2 game.

Much like the world this game is set in, Shadow of the Colossus feels ancient, and not in a good way. I wonder if ICO is actually as good as people say it is, because if not then it’s 0 for 3 from Team Ico in my opinion.