I love the Mass Effect trilogy to death, but I must admit that this game is showing it's age nearly 13 years later.
The main story is the only reason I enjoy playing ME1, everything else about it is very clunky and honestly I always find myself rushing through this one so I can play 2&3.

Probably one of the best and most innovative RPG's I have ever played.
Toby Fox is a creative genius, and this is a MUST play for anyone that is a fan of this genre of game.

I've played this game so many times since I first discovered it back in 2012.
It's near and dear to my heart and even though it's by no means a perfect game (it has many many flaws that hold it back from being 10/10 in my book) but despite that I find myself always coming back and enjoying every minute.


Probably the most fun I've ever had playing multiplayer in a video game..