While Final Fantasy V is in my opinion an all around better game, an argument can be made for the superiority of pure vibes in IV. The color pallet of FFIV is something else and in many ways the aesthetic feels a lot more special.
That said, the game play is lacking and inferior in every way to the other two SNES Final Fantasy games.
I like the DS version more.

Zack Fair is one of my favorite characters.

My first online multiplayer game. I fucking love early to mid 2000s Star Wars stuff.

Lotta stuff I really like here.

Gen 7 has its flaws and I have my gripes with it but honestly this game is solid and finished. Some of the most fun I've had in the series history.

My mom has literally played this game for like 3000 fucking hours

Lots of good memories playing survival mode on this game.

I played this game on fucking iOS when i was in highschool and got made fun of for it

Tbh maybe my favorite Smash Bros game. The 3DS is amazing console.

This one was pretty good.

Cool vibes but I played like 35+ hours of this game and then lost my save and I'm never playing it again.

Holy fuck did I ever play the shit out of this game as a kid. It's like playing Star Wars and playing Legos at the same time??? And you don't even need to buy the Legos???

I actually almost finished this as a kid, but couldn't beat the final boss. It's a lot like No More Heroes. The mini games are better iirc.

The only Dark Souls game that I've played considerably.

The best game on NES, I think.