I appreciate the style they were going for and it was good, but it feels like it kind of erases the amazing horror that was Resi 7. I want a resi 7, 2.

One of the first adult games I played on my ipad, legendary narrative

A game that started 3 years of amazing theorising, scares and entertainment.

A big add on to the original, more secrets, good

Things getting deeper, story unravelling, serious entry

I accepted this perfectly when it came out. horror inside, corny, clever

My favourite entry of this series. thing coming together, a scary story starting to wrap up with awesome gameplay

a perfect finale that wraps everything up. the end

For all it’s company’s flaws, I still sunk hundreds of hours into this game because it is a team-based fps with very complex possible strategies and fun mechanics to go with it’s beautiful aesthetic. Dead Game

100%ed. One of the few games I completed to 100% so that has to go for something. One of the most enjoyable Open Worlds, great story and characters, tons of variety.

Feels great, played it a lot, got good, don’t like continuously updated games with battle passes. Recent r main forever.

100%ed. One of the few games I’ve ever 100%ed, and this is not easy to complete. Amazing open world, story, feel, weight, fights, mechanics, beautiful, everything. Why did they have to make a sequal. Top 2 Favourite Game

first and favourite halo game (controversial Ik). story is very standalone so it worked for me. Nostalgia.