love this kind of world building

it was great but I give this rating based on its infamy as a mark on game’s storytelling, scale and quality

an unexpected but worthy challenger to the original. impossible to meet the same level, but with good storytelling, hard hitting scenes and a massive world to beat, this is no failure

one of the most fun, interesting and thrilling games. left a mark on the industry. great cast too

an unfortunate follow up to one of the landmarks of gaming, perhaps entertaining in the bad sense

admittedly more entertaining and atmospheric than it’s subpar predecessor, as well as a better well known cast, but an ending that doesn’t take any risks

a military take on the unknown horrors, an ending that was hard to predict, although this game had it’s flaws and felt amateur, it was at least an improvement over it’s predecessor

A game made to rival the success of Until Dawn, I still struggle to give this game a 3.5 and will stick with 3. not to say this is a bad game, it certainly is the best among the ‘dark pictures’ anthology series (although technically not a part of it), but unfortunately this studio’s early success cannot seem to be replicated so easily.

A severe step down in supermassive’s dark pictures series. Cheap, uncreative, goofy, uninspired and plane irritating. I could go on about the missed opportunities that this game has, but like the game itself, that would just be a waste.

childhood favourite films. not popular understandably, but the unique aesthetic of galactic and pastel is hard to find elsewhere. oh the music

just a fun sequal to a personal favourite. watched game grumps

lots of good memories with this game, its updates and its secrets

good successor, hard to hit as hard, but good

not as good as it’s predecessor, feels awkward