For all it’s company’s flaws, I still sunk hundreds of hours into this game because it is a team-based fps with very complex possible strategies and fun mechanics to go with it’s beautiful aesthetic. Dead Game

100%ed. One of the few games I completed to 100% so that has to go for something. One of the most enjoyable Open Worlds, great story and characters, tons of variety.

first and favourite halo game (controversial Ik). story is very standalone so it worked for me. Nostalgia.

Great story on completed recently, to 10 music all time, rivals halo reach.

Feels great, played it a lot, got good, don’t like continuously updated games with battle passes. Recent r main forever.

100%ed. One of the few games I’ve ever 100%ed, and this is not easy to complete. Amazing open world, story, feel, weight, fights, mechanics, beautiful, everything. Why did they have to make a sequal. Top 2 Favourite Game

my introduction into resident evil. my favourite, great scares and scifi, great feel and story

Controversial but I preferred ODST to this, they’re both great but ODST is more subtle and personal where this is EPIC

possibly best indie game. Mystery, mechanics, story, secrets. Amazing

First Favourite game. hundreds of hours, the best fps

100%ed, Top 2 games of all time. Simple and perfect, open world, great mecanic, phenomenal story, characters I love, long and fun

One of the simplest and shortest games with the most compelling sights, story and dialogue. Go in blind, have a quick trip