3 Reviews liked by Moss

If you've been kicked from a game of among us, READ THIS
Did you know that InnerSloth (the owner of Among Us) says that you can't actually be kicked from a game by the owner? Section 34 of their TOS states that any individual who purchases a copy of the game has a right to play the game, and cannot be prevented from playing games by any individual. If you've kicked from a game recently, or want to learn more, google "Among Us rule 34"

Death Stranding is a game that is hard to describe, not because of its complexity (of which there isn't much), but because of the sheer quantity of elements and ideas present. But if this game proves anything, it's that more can often be less.

While its main idea of traversing through the mostly empty open world in the most efficient way possible has potential, even if not terribly original, it's pretty much bogged down by everything around it. Not only are the physics really inconsistent and very easy to exploit, but the game itself does its best to undermine the walking the most it can by introducing all sorts of ways to not actually engage with the game on that level: vehicles, ziplines, fast travel, you name it, the game eventually becomes more about parsing through boring menus than having a better understanding of the layout or the game mechanics. There's also some action segments which are both really out of place and really basic, and not even worth mentioning outside of what I just said.

As with every Kojima game, Death Stranding also contains a ton of story to it, mostly told through endless cutscenes. Your mileage may vary on his writing as always, but what I will say is that I don't think having such a convoluted and character-centric story added much to the game, but if anything detracted from it. The last few hours especially really drag, with the game mostly tying loose ends of events that already occurred and that you might or might not even be interested in, depending on how long ago you went through them and how invested you were to begin with.

Death Stranding is a man's unfiltered, complete vision, and while it might look like a mess to me, I'm sure it made a lot of sense to him. And that's the reason why, despite not thinking much of most of it, I'm glad I played it to completion: it's almost unheard of to see a modern AAA game that has an identity and sticks to it, regardless of how controversial or unpopular it may be. It's probably more of a statement of how dire things are creatively in the game industry, but I ultimately found Death Stranding to be a mildly interesting game. Whether "mildly interesting" is worth going through 35 hours of a game that takes way too long to start and end in the first place will be up to the individual.

Bem-vindo ao Minecraft, ai meu amigo
Na jornada deste game ficará surpreendido
Sinta liberdade para poder criar
Apenas qualquer coisa que poder imaginar

Modo criativo, ou sobrevivência
Em uma aventura, tenha sua experiência
Nem preciso dizer, o que se pode ou não fazer
Faça o que quiser e verá acontecer

Construindo e minerando sem nenhuma trajetória
Sem ao menos perceber, vou fazendo minha história
Neste universo realmente impressionante
Explorando cavernas, a procura de diamantes
Combinando itens, construindo casas
De dia ou de noite fazendo minha jornada
Modificações aumentam a diversidade
E fica ainda mais legal com os amigos de verdade

Você conhece!
Num mundo de blocos faço qualquer criação
Onde o único limite é a imaginação

Você conhece!
Num mundo de blocos faço qualquer criação
Onde o único limite é a imaginação

Quando cai a noite é preciso ter cuidado
Pode aparecer, mobs por todo lado
Esqueleto, Zumbi, Aranha ou Creeper
Tenha coragem para invocar o Wither
Não olhe para os olhos, de um Enderman
Assim como o Slender te persegue também
Mas o que mais assusta é a lenda deste game
Herobrine, esse ai é diferente

Sua existência é um grande mistério
Tudo que se fala pode ou não estar correto

Realmente Minecraft, é incomparável
Nunca nada semelhante tinha sido criado
Recorde de vendas, grande inspiração
Alcançando os da antiga e da nova geração
Vai falar de gráficos? Mano dá um tempo
Ninguém nunca reclamou de jogar Super Nintendo!

Você conhece!
Num mundo de blocos faço qualquer criação
Onde o único limite é a imaginação
Você conhece!
Num mundo de blocos faço qualquer criação
Onde o único limite é a imaginação