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6 hrs ago

MrApolo reviewed Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut
Ghost of Tsushima is a game that in my opinion (a lover of Japanese samurai cinema) is quite cliché, but a good cliché.

As I spend the rest of my month dedicated to platinum GoT, I feel like I should do a very thorough analysis.

Main Story/ Side Quests: The main story is based on the events of
1274 to 1281, the first invasion of the Mongol empire in Japan, starting with the island of Tsushima, given the facts, we move forward and see the journey of Jin Sakai, the last Samurai of Tsushima due to the massacre by the Mongols, the game masterfully shows us the story of Feudal Japan from the medieval era dominated by samurai, and manages to simulate the difficulty of containing the advance of the Mongols in Japan, the impotence we feel in this game we cannot fail to detail.

The game's narrative explores Jin Sakai's dilemma and his samurai honor coming from his ancestors, the game does very well in showing Jin Sakai's mental conflict about the lack of honor when slaughtering enemies behind their backs (something that his ancestors were disgusted with). samurai do)
The game gives the player several flashbacks to bring more depth to the origins of Jin Sakai and his ancestors, but when playing I feel that little use has been made of the lore.

One thing I liked about this game is that as we play and advance on the island of Tsushima, we end up learning about Japanese culture, such as Ronins, Straw Hats, and the island's great iconic scenes.

Regarding the secondary missions, I found it really lacking in terms of story, it's always something like, "save the monks and slash the Mongols with your katana"
The only missions that I really enjoyed were the mythical tales, which told a legend about the island of Tsushima and gave us a good reward for completing the mission.

Gameplay: GoT's gameplay is a strong point of the work, which is displayed with mastery, different possibilities for approaching missions keep the game dynamic and good, in addition to the incessant search for new armor and improvements that makes you increasingly stronger, and the Difficulty level increases, which doesn't make the game monotonous
Ps: ("I recommend doing the Iki Island DLC after beating the game, it's really very challenging compared to Tsushima Island")

Exploration: The exploration of GoT I believe is quite monotonous, despite having some challenges when exploring and collectibles, but what made me want to explore the map was because of the great setting of Feudal Japan represented on the island of Tsushima and some collectibles that we can collect to improve our character.

Conclusion: Ghost of Tsushima is a good game, but it leaves something to be desired in terms of in-depth history, it is not a game that will blow your mind, quite the opposite, a cliché game that is not necessarily bad.

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

MrApolo finished Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut
Ghost of Tsushima is a game that in my opinion (a lover of Japanese samurai cinema) is quite cliché, but a good cliché.

As I spend the rest of my month dedicated to platinum GoT, I feel like I should do a very thorough analysis.

Main Story/ Side Quests: The main story is based on the events of
1274 to 1281, the first invasion of the Mongol empire in Japan, starting with the island of Tsushima, given the facts, we move forward and see the journey of Jin Sakai, the last Samurai of Tsushima due to the massacre by the Mongols, the game masterfully shows us the story of Feudal Japan from the medieval era dominated by samurai, and manages to simulate the difficulty of containing the advance of the Mongols in Japan, the impotence we feel in this game we cannot fail to detail.

The game's narrative explores Jin Sakai's dilemma and his samurai honor coming from his ancestors, the game does very well in showing Jin Sakai's mental conflict about the lack of honor when slaughtering enemies behind their backs (something that his ancestors were disgusted with). samurai do)
The game gives the player several flashbacks to bring more depth to the origins of Jin Sakai and his ancestors, but when playing I feel that little use has been made of the lore.

One thing I liked about this game is that as we play and advance on the island of Tsushima, we end up learning about Japanese culture, such as Ronins, Straw Hats, and the island's great iconic scenes.

Regarding the secondary missions, I found it really lacking in terms of story, it's always something like, "save the monks and slash the Mongols with your katana"
The only missions that I really enjoyed were the mythical tales, which told a legend about the island of Tsushima and gave us a good reward for completing the mission.

Gameplay: GoT's gameplay is a strong point of the work, which is displayed with mastery, different possibilities for approaching missions keep the game dynamic and good, in addition to the incessant search for new armor and improvements that makes you increasingly stronger, and the Difficulty level increases, which doesn't make the game monotonous
Ps: ("I recommend doing the Iki Island DLC after beating the game, it's really very challenging compared to Tsushima Island")

Exploration: The exploration of GoT I believe is quite monotonous, despite having some challenges when exploring and collectibles, but what made me want to explore the map was because of the great setting of Feudal Japan represented on the island of Tsushima and some collectibles that we can collect to improve our character.

Conclusion: Ghost of Tsushima is a good game, but it leaves something to be desired in terms of in-depth history, it is not a game that will blow your mind, quite the opposite, a cliché game that is not necessarily bad.

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