The Witcher 3 was one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had, this game is spectacular in almost every way, combat, setting, incredible narrative and great characters with unique personalities.
A great RPG to start in this world of RPG's games

It really is a great experience that covers FPS terms, a sensational story that involves multiverses, and can be quite complex if we look at the details, and that everything in this game can be intertwined, I recommend playing it paying close attention to improve the experience of this great game

Truly a war game..
I don't have too much to talk about this, a Battlefield game that in your campaign does not stand out

This game continues to be a great masterpiece, I played the PS3 version before in 2018, and I started playing it recently to understand the story and appreciate it better, the game is very beautiful, a perfect story and better than many entertainment media that try to do what this game does. game can.

I was truly believing that Metal Gear Solid V was going to be one of the best games I've ever played...
By the end of chapter 1 I was decided that this game was going to be 5 stars, perhaps it doesn't have the essence of the previous games in the franchise because it is EXTREMELY EASY, but the gameplay kept me entertained for the first 30 hours of play.
After that it went downhill, missions were literally the same, with differences in some detail or difficulty, the story from the second chapter onwards became very superficial, with one or two missions that really added to the lore of the game.

There was poor use of almost all the characters, this game could have been a masterpiece if they hadn't saved money and speeded up Kojima...

I gave it a higher rating because of Frank Sinatra's song

The game is very average, it has a so-so story, with poorly developed character animations and charisma, I came expecting a game that would make me feel scared like until dawn but the game makes it too easy for the player, having 3 lives if any character to die

This game has an incredible setting and graphic design, a wide range of mechanics, an IMPECCABLE soundtrack and a story that made me wanted to play the game.

(I believe this is my first MGS and I'm not familiar with the game's layout)
For me, the bad point about this game is that they don't teach you anything about the game's mechanics and you have to discover it on your own, this combined with the fact that the gameplay is slow and extremely peculiar, almost made me give up on the game at the beginning.

Ready or Not is a good predecessor to SWAT 4

The gameplay manages to bring immersion if it weren't for the extremely overpowered AI, where a thug in a market has the reflexes of a trained police officer

It's been a while since I've been so entertained by a game, the story of this game makes you reflect bitterly on life and its evils
It has become one of my favorite games

This game surprised me, even though the PC version on Steam literally sells a pirated version that you can't get past the tutorial, I added a fix mod and the experience I had with this game was very good.
For a game from 2003, I think it has aged very well.

One of the points I should mention is how stupidly strong NPCs with submachine guns are.

This game in my opinion has nothing to add to the trilogy, I reached halfway through the game and couldn't play it because it was so boring with almost no new mechanics from GTA III to this one, the only good thing about this game is the atmosphere and music.

The rating I would give this game would be 4.5/5 stars if it weren't for the amount of bugs this game has, even with mods that solve some of the problems I had several bugs such as unstable fps, invisible NPCs, textures that didn't load or turned green or purple, also like the checkpoints where in some of them my character wouldn't move.

The gameplay and story of this game is the only strong point that came from the 2004 GTA game, the game has a very large content of secondary missions and things to do on the map, and the city is very alive, and you can observe what happens in it, like police officers approaching civilians, gang warfare

I recommend playing if you install some mod fixes and can handle errors and bugs that occur during gameplay

I started this game around the middle of 2023, I dropped halfway through the game and finished it today in 2024.
The good point of the game is the gameplay, a great PS2 hakken slash
I believe it's worth playing to learn more about Kratos and its origins

This review contains spoilers

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is a game that revolutionized the franchise and brought new characters

The gameplay of this game managed to be as good as its predecessors, such as Resident Evil 4,
it also has balanced bosses and a captivating story, which has 2 endings, one good and one bad.

This game's DLCs are also exceptional for exciting and fun gameplay, such as minigame 21 and Chris Redfield's DLC.

I abandoned the game at the end because the gameplay is ridiculous, the game mode system was extremely unbalanced, I played in hard mode and it was even bearable, but in the final missions, many people arrived with weapons, and in hard mode you die with 2 shots and you can't dodge them, I got severe headaches because of this game and the worst part of all is that I can't change the difficulty of the game, I advise everyone who wants to torture themselves playing this game, to play on normal!