It does have A LOT of problems but it is simply unique, there is no game ever that is like remotely like this. I think that most of the harshness that people have is exaggerated. This is Bethesda at its best.

For the good, the story is great, the best from Bethesda by far. The visuals are amazing, the cities are awesome, the writing is the finest in Bethesda games, the story, plot, and characters are great, the shipbuilder is simply insane, the factions are as great as we’re used from Bethesda games, Sarah (she is amazing, sorry, I Have to talk about her), the NG+ in this game is perfect, I don’t remember a game that gave a reason as good as this one for another run. and I could go on and on about little details that were simply perfect. And the powers? Never expected that! The reality is that you’ll need a gigantic essay to explain why, apart from the technical points, this is a great game. It is amazing! Loved every single second of it.

For the mixed, the facial animations lack a bit, even more, if you consider modern standards. The exploration is kind of a mixed bag, with too many loading screens, and very little fluid. It is not bad per se, but still could be better. Performance is not that great, and the game is kind of buggy but we all know the dev…

About the bad, the gunplay is not that great. I wish the game had a map inside the cities (like, come on…). The stamina system is just stupid, in a game that you have to travel miles and miles, having limited stamina just sucks. The elemental and survival damages just kind of serves no purpose (even more when you discover that you can’t die because of it). It feels like the planet exploration was a bit boring with only “go to that place, scan, and repeat”. The places where you get the powerups are always the same thing is actually a bad choice, a big variety of minigames would be better. The menus have a really poor interface and this is annoying during the game.

This game is fascinating, I’m glad I experienced it. I look forward to the support from Bethesda with DLCs, and from the community with mods to come. Amazing game!

I did not think this film would be fun with only 1 friend, but it was! This game is great, I loved the mechanics and it was a very funny experience. Even the extra modes (like the versus) are fun. It is really worth it, and the chaos with more friends makes it amazing.

I love the second game, so I decided to give the first one a try with a friend.

We basically beat all the maps and considered that game “beaten”. Coming from someone who enjoys the second so much, I think that this one lacks a lot. I actually think that it is a miracle that we got a franchise out of this because it is very rough! It is fun? Yes! But, overall it is a mess. The leveling, the random maps, the AI (friends and foes), the lack of tutorials and explanations, and the lack of clear objectives, are not great and that list could go on. The gunplay is good and the graphics did not age badly, but my biggest “pro” here is that you can clearly what made Payday 2 become a great game.

It is rough around the edges, but still a fun game. I’d say that for the price you can get it on sale, it is a good choice for a few days of coop.

Once again a weird hub, but at least the connection between the games is interesting.

Overall, the games on this one are okay. Most of them are cool, but “The Book of Blood” is simply great, I loved it! Unfortunately, this hub is a bit buggy. Had a few crashes for some reason.

Worth playing the entire franchise to get to know cool small dev teams! Even more worth it if you catch it on a promo like I did.

It starts on a great hub, which is miles better than the third one.

The connection between the games is also more interesting, so, on this one, I knew I’d be better served. For this one, only 1 is bad. But Axis Mundi and The Fruit are AWESOME! The Fruit is one of my favorites from the entire franchise.

Better than the third one, worth it if you get on a promo. Actually think that is cool to play all of them, but not back to back.

Sorry, but this one sucks.

First: cute horror is boring.
Second: one of the worst dialogs I’ve ever seen.
Third: only one game is worth mentioning here, Spookware - The Video Store. The rest are not great (with Chip’s Tips being easily one of the worst games I’ve ever played, even considering satires).

Worth only if you care about playing all 5 games.

Played the entire franchise for a video on my channel (End Credits),

It's a way more interesting hub than the first one, but I actually liked fewer games. The puzzles in the hub are interesting enough to make you keep going, but the games are not as good as the first one. The only ones I’d point out are: “Charlotte’s Exile” and “Touched by an Outer God”, which are great. The rest range from “meh” to “oh god why…”.

Still worth if you catch it on a promo.

Played the game with my best friend. We did not expect a lot from this one but ended up happy with the game. It is fun and interesting with the puzzles on the right level of difficulty.

Worth your time, even more considering the short playtime!

I played a lot of Alien games for my “Halloween” special on my YouTube channel (End Credits) so I did this one!

This game simply SUCK. I hated every single second of playing this! It is 100% based on bullshit and flooding you with a stupid amount of Aliens in very not-fun scenarios. I’m all down for hard games, but when the game is simply unfair (like spawning 2 or 3 aliens on your back just for the “Gotcha!” effect) it just gets stupid.

Not worth it, give it a pass.

I played a lot of Alien games for my “Halloween” special on my YouTube channel (End Credits) so I did this one!

This one was a BIG surprise for me! I really enjoyed this one, more than I thought I would. My biggest problem is that the boss fights suck. The rest of the game, even though it is a very loose and non-canon adaptation of the first 3 films, is fun and very worth it!


I played a lot of Alien games for my “Halloween” special on my YouTube channel (End Credits) so I did this one! It's very weird, why the hell would you do a Pac-Man clone for Alien? But cool to try!

It's a cool concept and an interesting idea.

The best games here are: Don’t Go Out, Shatter, and Outsiders. These three are amazing and need to have a full version! The others are meh, but they do not harm the overall idea. Don’t Go Out, Shatter and Outsiders are amazing! Actually, in this one, there are only one or two that I think are bad.

It's worth it if you get on a good sale!

The Alien franchise was a significant gap in my education as a film graduate. Despite my deep passion for horror, I had never ventured into this iconic series. Needless to say, the first 2 films were great, and let’s just pretend they’re the only ones that exist. Watching them piqued my curiosity about the video games in the franchise.

Alien Isolation is a visual masterpiece, the tone and mood are perfect. Did you ever want to be inside a film or universe you loved? This is it. Every single aspect of this is immaculate, the level of detail is almost frightening. Sevastopol is a masterclass in environmental design with its intricate interiors, dark corridors, flickering lights, grimy surfaces, cluttered hallways, and surely the perfect recreation of the retro-futuristic style of the film. Also, this game is a perfect example of the power of sound, music, and sound design. It is impossible to talk about tension without talking about the geniality of the Xenomorph. The attention to detail, his grotesque appearance, movement, sounds, and behaviors are both horrifying and fascinating.

I’m a completionist player who seeks to explore as much as possible while playing but this game is so amazing that it scared me out of my natural gaming instincts. Since very often I just skipped past through rooms or didn’t even make the effort to discover how to open those doors, and all of that to avoid the risk of being spotted by the Xenomorph. Playing Alien Isolation was a blast, I loved every single second of it. The amount of tension that you have while playing is impossible to explain, no game ever did this to me. That tension together with the sounds, mechanics, and atmosphere will surely leave a mark in my brain that will be very hard to forget.

I kind of went with the wrong expectation here. I expected a Left 4 Dead vibe, but this is way more problematic, less interesting, slower, and repetitive.

I’d say that you NEED to play co-op, solo is just boring and buggy. The characters are distinct and fun, and their gear variety is really cool. For instance, I got a bow that did not require me to aim, which made the hordes way easier. The map design and the mission objectives suck, but the theme variety is okay. The “boss” maps are also not great, and the plot is so forgettable I couldn’t really point out anything from it. The melee combat is weightless and dull, even with cooler weapons, but thankfully the ranged gameplay is mostly fun. The whole loot system is stupid, and unrewarding.

Overall: fun with friends, but lacks a lot of what made Left 4 Dead a great game.

I bought my Steamdeck, so I felt like trying this little guy.

This is Valve at its best. It is fun, engaging, funny, interesting, and as big as it needs to be! A cool experience that reminds us of how amazing Valve can be in creating games.

With a SteamDeck is really cool! But if you’re curious I’d do it anyway with a controller on PC.