This is a interesting one. It is a stealth horror game completely based and inspired by Francisco de Goya’s art. The stealth is a little basic and the voice acting is not the best but they get the job done. The visuals (its main focus) are astonishing, one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever seen.

It is very short and free, so you should try it out.

Eh... It is a student game so I can't be that harsh. But the controls are kinda irritating (they're bad on purpose, but they don't work on being bad, frustrating).

Considering the fact that it is a student game, the graphics are nice, the story is interesting enough and the gameplay variety is surprising, but it failed to give me the urge to play the 2014 full version of the game.

Once again a weird hub, but at least the connection between the games is interesting.

Overall, the games on this one are okay. Most of them are cool, but “The Book of Blood” is simply great, I loved it! Unfortunately, this hub is a bit buggy. Had a few crashes for some reason.

Worth playing the entire franchise to get to know cool small dev teams! Even more worth it if you catch it on a promo like I did.

The Alien franchise was a significant gap in my education as a film graduate. Despite my deep passion for horror, I had never ventured into this iconic series. Needless to say, the first 2 films were great, and let’s just pretend they’re the only ones that exist. Watching them piqued my curiosity about the video games in the franchise.

Alien Isolation is a visual masterpiece, the tone and mood are perfect. Did you ever want to be inside a film or universe you loved? This is it. Every single aspect of this is immaculate, the level of detail is almost frightening. Sevastopol is a masterclass in environmental design with its intricate interiors, dark corridors, flickering lights, grimy surfaces, cluttered hallways, and surely the perfect recreation of the retro-futuristic style of the film. Also, this game is a perfect example of the power of sound, music, and sound design. It is impossible to talk about tension without talking about the geniality of the Xenomorph. The attention to detail, his grotesque appearance, movement, sounds, and behaviors are both horrifying and fascinating.

I’m a completionist player who seeks to explore as much as possible while playing but this game is so amazing that it scared me out of my natural gaming instincts. Since very often I just skipped past through rooms or didn’t even make the effort to discover how to open those doors, and all of that to avoid the risk of being spotted by the Xenomorph. Playing Alien Isolation was a blast, I loved every single second of it. The amount of tension that you have while playing is impossible to explain, no game ever did this to me. That tension together with the sounds, mechanics, and atmosphere will surely leave a mark in my brain that will be very hard to forget.

I played a lot of Alien games for my “Halloween” special on my YouTube channel (End Credits) so I did this one!

This game simply SUCK. I hated every single second of playing this! It is 100% based on bullshit and flooding you with a stupid amount of Aliens in very not-fun scenarios. I’m all down for hard games, but when the game is simply unfair (like spawning 2 or 3 aliens on your back just for the “Gotcha!” effect) it just gets stupid.

Not worth it, give it a pass.


I played a lot of Alien games for my “Halloween” special on my YouTube channel (End Credits) so I did this one! It's very weird, why the hell would you do a Pac-Man clone for Alien? But cool to try!

So… I kinda didn’t like the way it went. I mean… Still a cute and charming little game… Funny, short, cool characters, but I think this time they went too far with the craziness of some stuff.

Some of the sound effects were bad and the twist was not that funny compared to the second game. But overall it keeps the charm of the series and ends a cool trilogy. I hope the devs go do different stuff, I think there are a lot of cool things they could do with their style (it would be cool that the frog became #1 best and the trilogy ended, but I guess we can’t have it all, can we?)

Still worth a try. Solid trilogy, a cool way to turn off your brain and just have a little fun.

Another case cracked by the world’s second-best detective and… Mystery Monkey?

It starts on a great hub, which is miles better than the third one.

The connection between the games is also more interesting, so, on this one, I knew I’d be better served. For this one, only 1 is bad. But Axis Mundi and The Fruit are AWESOME! The Fruit is one of my favorites from the entire franchise.

Better than the third one, worth it if you get on a promo. Actually think that is cool to play all of them, but not back to back.

I’ve decided to play the Diablo franchise for the upcoming release of Diablo IV. It is actually a bit nostalgic for me because Diablo II was one of my first experiences with gaming. Watching a family member play it for hours and hours made the fire for gaming inside me grow even stronger. Now, at least 10 years later, I’m playing it.

This game was excellent! I didn’t expect it to be what it is. It is a simple, straight-to-the-point adventure with a 16-level dungeon and a handful of quests. The game is fantastic, and the gameplay and the scenery create an incredible atmosphere - it is dark and oppressive, and at every beat and every turn there could be many enemies and, not to mention a top-tier mood. The music is good, and the visuals surprisingly hold up even after almost 30 years. The characters are interesting, and I went through basically all dialogue to know them even more.

It defines the vibe of the series, and it is a great game that I’m very happy to finally have played.

It's a cool concept and an interesting idea.

The best games here are: Don’t Go Out, Shatter, and Outsiders. These three are amazing and need to have a full version! The others are meh, but they do not harm the overall idea. Don’t Go Out, Shatter and Outsiders are amazing! Actually, in this one, there are only one or two that I think are bad.

It's worth it if you get on a good sale!

The first big game from Daniel Mullins (the guy that made Inscryption), so people kinda always hyped it a little bit for me. But for most of it, I went in pretty “blind”, the only thing I knew is that the game is for sure not what it sounds like.

And even then, almost everything about it surprised me, the story, the numerous endings and how different they are from each other, the visuals, the characters, the music, and the list goes on. I think mostly the only 2 things that kinda bummed me out were the fact that at the end of the game, the mechanics get a little too repetitive (and if you add extra runs for platinum, oh boy…) and how shallow said mechanics are.

Overall, a really good game, and, considering how cheap it gets on sale, I’d recommend it. But keep in mind that it is not for everyone and it can be “meh” if you’re not the type. For me, even not liking the style that much, was worth it, so I went for platinum (and got it)!

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Unravel is an excellent game. I’m not a big fan of platformers, but the game is gorgeous, the main character is so cute, and the plot (even not being very open about it) is good for the type of game that this is.

Most of the problems I have with it are that the gameplay is not very precise and some of the puzzles are not exactly well thought out. But the biggest issue I got with the game is its platinum. As I’m not into platformers, I knew I would most likely not be willing to play it again. So every time I beat a few levels, my next time playing I’d replay them to get the few things that made me get closer to the achievements, but it kills me that on a game with only 2 big low points, all the achievements would be based on that. You need to not die (with this imprecise gameplay? Come on!) and collect all secrets that require a bit of backtracking to find, and that got me kind of pissed.

Unravel is a fun adventure that is a good switch of pace from all the action thrilled games we’re so used to nowadays. It is fascinating to see a game that has done this “zoomed out” view of the world before Grounded, and there are lots of breathtaking moments, both visually and in its narrative. I’d say that Unravel is a game that is worth playing, but only if you don’t care about getting platinum on your games. If you do, I’d say that you should play it on two instances with good distance of time from each other. Either way, a fun game that is worth having in my library and fun to play.

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I have to start this by saying: God of War Ragnarök is amazing but disappointing for me.

Ragnarök is a clear evolution in the 2018 God of War formula, just to point a few:

- It has more realms to explore, a bigger variety of places, a bigger variety of quests, and monsters;

- The combat is bigger and it still feels familiar. Kratos’ gameplay is more agile, so in combat arenas, it feels way more snappy and that’s great. The use of different companions also brings an interesting and unexpected variety to gameplay and dialog;

- The new weapon and the new mechanics with the shield were a very good addition;

Santa Monica had the hard objective of making the follow-up to a masterpiece and they did it in a great way.

- Storywise, the game is amazing. Almost all the points in the story were to be expected but man, Santa Monica just nailed the formula for this franchise! It saddens me that I got spoiled for the fact that Tyr was not the real one because that plot twist was amazing. But come on, did it really have to make me cry at the beginning of the game?

- In a world of technical messes being released every month, the game runs perfectly, and it still is very pretty even on the PS4 (can’t wait to replay it on PC).

- The acting and casting are just perfect.

It is a bit saddening that we’re already done with the Nordic saga in the franchise. I sure hope that Mimir and the other characters don’t get forgotten in a place where we’re not coming back. Come on, Mimir is amazing!

I just got to be honest here: I did not like any of the Atreus bits. I mean, they’re interesting and different, but they didn’t fit well in the game for me. I think that it’d be better only to show Kratos’ point of view, and let Atreus to a possible spin-off after Ragnarök.

Some things that were horrible for me:

- Kratos x Thor's first fight was awesome, but the Thor reviving you when you’re in the “Load Checkpoint” screen is horrible, completely out of tone for the series and I did not like it even a bit;

- Atreus being older is great for the story, as it comes with different problems regarding his view of the world, but the script uses the stupid old gimmick of a lot of things happening in the game because Character A (Atreus) doesn’t want to reveal the truth for Character B (Kratos) and that’s very bad. I think that Santa Monica is better than those old script tropes;

- I think Freya’s hatred towards Kratos should’ve been better explored. I mean, they verbally say that she’s been hunting them and we have an awesome chase scene to point that, but I think that a little more time in that conflict before she joins would not harm the game;

- The evolution in many aspects is amazing, but I think that the exploration in this game feels pretty much exactly like the 2018’s God of War, so it can feel a little bit tiring after a while (but this only applies if you’re exploring to find everything and 100% in the first run, exploring naturally as you advance in the story still feels amazing);

- Oh my god, WHY THE HELL Mimir and Atreus don’t shut up about the puzzles? It is simply pathetic to try and solve something… In 30 seconds they just say the answer out loud. It is even worse than in the 2018 game.

- I had way more bugs here than in the first game of the Nordic Saga, but that's not a lot considering that in the 2018 game, I only got 1 or 2 bugs.

To (finally) end: Ragnarök understands the biggest qualities and biggest flaws of the 2018 game and improves on those. It is for sure a masterpiece, but personally, I think that the simpler adventure that the predecessor gave was a better hit for me (even more considering the freshness of the new way of seeing God of War). But I have to say this: God of War is fantastic. Such a perfect franchise that shows how great Santa Monica is. I sure hope that they find ways to keep it going, even though I’m very interested in seeing new IPs from them.

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This was a great surprise!

There is so much content here, and I’m not talking about inflated gameplay. There is a lot of really good variation in the game, considering that the main focus was the Papers Please styled country border job. At the end of the game, there are so many things to check that you’ll most likely develop strategies to be more precise. The gameplay and graphics are ok, they don’t get in the way of the fun.

Unfortunately, it does not run that well, I got a bunch of dips under 50fps (mostly while using the faster police car). The story is there just to say that it has one, and both main endings are very weak, and I think that the game lacks more upgrades and interactions between upgrading your base and the gameplay.

This game is such a gem, totally worth it when you’re in the mood for something chill that does not take itself that serious. It is a good game to get off of all that “gaming vibe” and just have some fun.

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This game is what our brain remembers the original RE4 looking like. This is a great remake, even though I’m not into remaking these not-that-old games, and I’d say that this is easily the best Resident Evil remake.

It is so great to see the same places in this version, to be in the same places again. Everything is better than the original, the game is way scarier, the gameplay is way smoother, and (obviously) the visuals are incredible. The animations are on a completely new level, they pack a heavy punch and make you feel every hit you take. The characters (literally all of them) have a way bigger backstory that makes all their actions have better logic than in the original. The new mechanics are good, they improve a lot the fluidity of the gameplay. They removed almost all of the quick-time events (thank god) and relocated a lot of parts in the game for them to make way more sense. The new Ashley is great and the bit that we play with her during the game is amazing, really terrifying.

The points that, for me, are not either bad or good: most of the game is “more serious”, which includes places, boss fights, characters, set pieces, and scenery. Until I was dragged into the new vibe, it felt like a “soulless” version of RE4, but that faded out very fast.

I think that the worst thing I can say is that the game is way easier than the classic version. I played it on the hardest difficulty available for a first playthrough and it was pretty okay, most of my deaths were purely caused by making the wrong choices and not by the game’s difficulty. And just to point out: the last boss of the game (Saddler) is still a piece of shit boss fight, they did not improve that. But mostly these points are me “reaching” for bad things to say because my experience was amazing.

Resident Evil 4 Remake is the perfect mix of the old game and new choices to make a better version overall of such an acclaimed title. It keeps the feeling of the older version and improves on basically every little aspect of the game. This is an easy 100% recommendation.