Okay so the reason that Pong was the game that helped video games become super popular and into a mainstream piece of media was because 90% of every game made for the 20 years prior was just "Virtual Tennis"

For the time, it was pretty solid. The controls are kinda iffy and movement is stiff, but hey. This was made before JFK kicked the bucket.

Fun game to waste your time with

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Would be better if you could actually control the planes more. It becomes tedious, but never to the point where I'd call it bad.

This man is shot out of a cannon, lands on his head (which would kill most normal men), and just says "Ouch" before jumping right back in to restart the process. Now that's what I call a chad.

Atari sports games kinda stink now that ya mention it

Play the 5200 version. That shit mad impressive for the early-80s.

To the dev's credit, they did show players mercy by making the game a bit easier the more times you die, while also rewarding you for doing well. Nice addition to what would normally be another generic space shooter

When you play so many space shooters, you became fatigued. So any future games in the genre that I play will be judged as such.

Nonetheless, the game was passable. Doesn't really do anything to stand out today and the enemy hitboxes only connect when they feel like it.

Way more chaotic than I expected from a game this old. I know it would kick ass with 4 players

Definitely an improvement over the vanilla version

This game is really fun. I love how it starts off at a decent pace before suddenly going Mach 5 and turning it into something fast-paced and hectic. The kamikaze bugs that divebomb you add a tense challenge.

Depth perception? Never heard of it