Just gotta start in second gear, bro


5 stars for being the reason we have Super Mario Galaxy and Doom Eternal.

-0.5 stars for the AI paddle either being as dumb as a sack of potatoes, or following the ball like a heat-seeking missile, with no in between.

Thank you Atari for capturing why people love pinball: waiting for 2 minutes to hit the ball while it avoids the flippers like the plague.


Ostriches don't fly today because of natural selection: They were so erratic and hard to control that most of the ones that could smashed into walls and died centuries ago. They eventually decided to just not teach their young how to fly, which is where we are right now.

The original "Ending that made players want to drop a third bomb on Japan" video game

Pac-Man if he was a rabbit in a cosmetics testing lab.

My biggest gripe with the game is not just the sound design or graphics. It's the missed potential. Just check out a few homebrew versions and you can easily see that this could have run fine on 2nd-gen hardware. But instead, Atari shat the bed. At least later Pac-man games had cartridges with twice the power to make them look actually presentable.

Top 10 Most Worthless Inventions in History

#3: Solar-powered flashlight
#2: Diet water
#1: The health bar in "Rolling Thunder"

I say with no exaggeration that this is some of the worst physics I've ever seen in a video game.

I can tolerate the ice physics, since it's literally in the name. But if I land on a platform, maybe let me land on it! It was already a pain in the ass to get on it to begin with with that shitty jump. But you just had to clip me through the floor didn't you?!

Realistic physics + Turning big things into small things = I like

Honestly, this game wasn't too bad. There are some flaws, like how the game only lets you steal the ball when it feels like it. But the gameplay can get pretty competitive to make it kind of fun.

What "forces of darkness" was the announcer talking about that this child is fighting? Is he at odds with the mafia? Are all non-subscribers in the city pedophiles? Do Nazis love painting their houses red?

I wouldn't call this game outright good, but I definitely have played worse games from around this time.

Obviously, it still has its issues. The biggest one being the collision detection with the holes being way too strict. So strict that most of the time, getting out of one is followed by immediately falling back in. And while I do feel like it should have been more lenient, there is a solution of simply not holding a direction once you get out so you can check your surroundings.

And at the end of the day, the reason the game turned out the way it did was corporate greed. The game's sole developer, Howard Warshaw, was given just five weeks to make what he could to have it ready by Christmas. For comparison, most Atari games, even the ones that look and play like ass, take multiple people 5-6 months.

So yeah. A flawed game, but those "Top 10 Worst Video Games Ever" lists need to stop actin like it's the Battlefield Earth of the Atari

The game that put Namco on the map, but it's basically Galaga with less stuff that made Galaga good.

You know what? As primitive most games from the Early 70s are, this one was actually more fun than I thought.

Once you learn the basic rules of it, it basically becomes something akin to Minesweeper. You have to always keep an eye on your surroundings to ensure that any threat can be located. Kinda addicting if you ask me.

Yeah this game was not that good for me.

Much of my frustration is down to the controls. They are incredibly slow and awkward. If I try and make my lander switch directions to avoid crashing, it takes like 5 light years, by which point I'm already dead.

Landing, even on the easier platforms, is a pain in the ass. You could line up your lander perfectly, but if you go down at a speed slightly faster than a light jog, it blows up. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it took me 15 minutes of playtime to successfully land a single time.

I hate how whenever you reset, whether by death or by actually winning, your fuel meter does not reset. If it was bigger, that would not be an issue. But this is a game that requires you to use it a lot, which means that you have to multitask. By the time it gets lower, you are better off accepting your fate in a fiery inferno so you can save your fuel for the next attempt.

The graphics and sounds are okay. Nothing special, but harmless nonetheless.

Because of all the positive reviews, I am more inclined to give it another chance in the future. But for now, I simply have no interest in it.