One of the best campaigns in the series. I loved the story and the missions felt fun to play. Multiplayer was fun as well, with some amazing maps. Zombies was top tier and following the characters through the maps with new innovations being made was awesome

Great Campaign with a good multiplayer. With this being the first appearance of Zombies within the call of duty series, I'd say they made a fine extra mode out of it

Pretty much like MW2 but a little downgraded. Spec Ops and Survival were pretty cool

Great campaign. Excellent Multiplayer. I have fond memories playing this game all those years ago. I still remember the excitement of playing online and getting my ass beat, but still winning the game because I was carried. Hearing the craziness of the game chat brings nostalgia to me

Good campaign story. Great Multiplayer. Good times overall

Fine gameplay. The multiplayer is entertaining and the campaign is decent

A fine spin-off that continues the story of Persona 5 (original for now, same situation as the P4 Arena games). Gameplay was fun but at times felt repetitive. Graphically looks nearly identical to base Persona 5. Story wise, it was a good one, pretty much on par as base persona 5, perhaps just a little under it though. The new characters introduced were nice to meet and I liked the new AI Sophia. The ending arc was really goofy though lol

The updates within this rerelease makes this the definitive version of Persona 5. The core story, while mainly remaining the same, has had some new inclusions that make the character interactions a little better and give a bit more screen time to characters who were introduced later. The new 3rd semester was a blast and arguably peak story telling within the persona series. The new characters were fun to meet and interact act with. The new gameplay additions made the game feels 100 times more smoother than how the original release felt. The thieves den was a nice addition to spend some time in. My only gripe with the game is that with all these new additions, the game felt a little too easy. Other than that, peak game

For being my first Persona game, I have fond memories of this one. I love the characters within and the story was pretty good for a first playthrough. Now that some time has past though, I now see the flaws within the story, being that it is pretty goofy and how some characters I was fond of were just not that good. Gameplay and Graphics are a huge step up from the Golden days of the Persona 4 era. Persona's smooth gameplay was at it's peak with this game until the updated release of P5 came out in 2020 for the west

A big improvement in the gameplay department for the persona series. Graphically looks the same as P3FES, now remastered graphics with the updated port release. Story is great, although personally not as meaningful as P3FES. A good majority of characters within Persona 4 Golden are great, however, some are just plain boring (with a little more duds than P3FES)

Gameplay feels a little outdated with the party members not being controllable, but the fusion spells were a neat idea. Graphics haven't aged terribly well but there's still the ps2 charm in here. Story is what I think this game excels at, with it being some of the most meaningful content I had played. Strega parts are kind of lame though and although The Journey is beautiful, the answer, while having some good moments as well, is kind of a mess

The story's kind of weird in this one, in both the game itself and the comics that "supposedly" leads up to the game (like the first), with events in the comics not happening within the game at all, or if it does happen, it happens in a different way. Brainiac was a decent main villain and seeing the heroes act how they used to be was nice, but overall kind of forgettable. Graphics wise, this game looks pretty good, with some of the models for the characters looking quite clean. As for the Gameplay, the game feels fine, but I still miss the gameplay of MK9 (my bias of the game is showing). The DLC characters were pretty good, with 2 MK characters appearing, Darkseid, Ninja Turtles, Hellboy even. Overall, some of this game is good, some of it is bad, but I'd say it did it's job pretty good

A good video game entry into the world of DC's Injustice. The comics building up to this was a nice read, even if some of it was questionable. Nevertheless, the story within is a decent one, one where our heroes are sent into this new world to fight against the Evil Superman's regime. Gameplay feels like a semi-upgraded form of MK9's gameplay. Graphics don't hold up too well nowadays but some scenes are still good

Certainly an improvement over MKX, at least in the visuals department. The story is kind of silly but the ending is a good one. Gameplay feels defined for the end of the NR Trilogy. Once again, character dialogue is nice to have and the skins/different gameplay variants available are cool

Gonna be honest, I didn't really vibe with this one. The graphics were pretty bad and the story was eh, but the gameplay still felt good. X-rays looks pretty goof in here, rather than the serious ones in MK9. Character interactions were pretty cool and some of the DLC characters like Alien and Predator are nice