This game was nothing short of a masterpiece. The character moments and the lore drops were just Trails at it's peak. By the time the finale was over this game was without a doubt my favorite in the series so far.

People said that Crossbell was on par with or even better than Sky and they're absolutely right. Lloyd's dream and conversation with KeA in the finale just cemented this game as my all time favorite.

Excited to see how Cold Steel measures up.

Only finished Yuito's side but honestly I don't got the motivation to finish Kasane's. The characters were all great but not enough to warrant a second playthrough.

Greatest conclusion to the greatest trilogy. Didn't expect Kevin and Ries' story to move me so much in such a short time but they quickly became some of my favorite characters in the series.

I was a bit skeptical at first with the dungeon crawler format with doors replacing sidequests but it grew on me after a while. Each door (save for like 3) was interesting and just made me appreciate the Sky cast even more.

Such a great start to a great series. Yes it is very slow but honestly I don't mind. Going around Liberl meeting people, learning things and doing quests was so fun. The cast introductions just instantly made me fall in love with this world. Top it all off with an epic final boss and an insane cliff hanger and it we've got the perfect introduction to this series.

Took what we already saw in FC and cranked it up to eleven. Yes it does have a repetitive formula but I did not care at all. Each chapter was packed full of so many good character moments and set ups for one of the greatest finale's I've ever played.

The finale had me crying in so many different ways and just made it clear that this would be my favorite series ever.

Coming off of Sky I was very worried about a whole new cast in a whole new setting but by the end I was completely invested. SSS and Crossbell had a very strong introduction. The way they all complement each other in combat and in dialogue was perfect.

We also got the conclusion of Sky's last remaining plot line with the Bright family which had me tearing up. I finished it in like a week but I'll never forget it.

It has its problems but it was still an enjoyable experience. The characters were all fun and the final palace had some phenomenal moments as well.

I only really thought it was perfect when I first finished was because I hadn't played a jrpg before or a Persona game so I had no idea how either worked really. But after getting a few more under my belt and seeing how the other Persona games worked it kinda dropped down a little bit. Not to say that it wasn't a fun game regardless.

Came into this game expecting just planes and left with tons of commentary on war and nations. Seriously crazy to me how many good characters there are in this game.

One of the best and most inspiring stories I've ever played. Some of the missions were kinda annoying but that's like every AC game. I probably have it tied with 0 for my favorite. Project Aces needs to bring back choosing planes and giving commands to squad mates.

One of the most ridiculous and weirdly inspiring conclusions to a ridiculous and inspiring franchise. I don't get the hate for this game at all. The ending makes total sense after seeing all the ridiculous things the last 2 games sent us through. It has the best cast and the best trials by far. Nobody will ever convince me it's not the best game in the series.

This game was a really great start to this arc. Coming from Sky and Crossbell it was a nice change of atmosphere even if the game tries a bit too hard to be Persona in some areas I personally didn't mind.

The last 2 hours of the game absolutely blew me away and I can't wait to dive into CS2. C

This game was SC on a grand scale. Reuniting with everyone in Act 1 and then bouncing all over the place in Act 2 was really fun. This has definitely been the easiest game by far, by the end of the game everyone was getting one tapped by S breaks it was kinda hilarious.

One critique I do have is it feels like it pads on way too long at the end. Swear this game just started pulling final dungeons out of its ass. But the Crossbell segment was really good. Excited to see the WE arc now but EE has been great.

Had a very slow start but the final 3 months more than made up for it and even made me appreciate those earlier months. My only experience with Persona is P5R but I liked this one a lot better. All the characters felt more connected to the plot with lots of moments throughout the story.

Combat was very fluid and balanced. I can't wait for The Answer to drop although I might play FES in the meantime. One of my fav games this year.

One of the craziest cliff hangers I've ever seen. This game was a love letter to all Trails fans with references to Sky, Crossbell and of course continuing Cold Steel. It became my favorite by the time it was all over.

Gameplay wise it was a little unbalanced in some areas but towards the end game this kinda went away and smoothed out.

A beautiful ending to the Cold Steel saga. I cried so much during this game. Act 1 was a great follow up to the ending of Cold Steel 3 temporarily taking away our Main Character leaving us emotionally empty and gameplay wise forcing us to adapt.

People hate Act 2 and while I admit it was very slow I still think it was good. Does a great job showing Rean's character after CS3 and him coping with the reality he's created. It is absolutely necessary and gives us a hint at the normal ending for the game.

Act 3 and the finale were absolutely amazing, the boss fights, lore drops and bonding events just brought so many emotions. The normal ending actually sent me into a break down but the True ending saved me afterwards. Even during Act 3 I started feeling empty and didn't want this saga to end.

This is definitely my favorite game in the franchise so far and I can't wait to see how Reverie wraps all of it up as there are a couple of loose ends to be taken care of.