A fun tech demo. It's held up surprisingly well for it's age, and honestly does a great job of showing what kind of experiences are possible in VR. Valve really knows what they are doing when it comes to comfortable and engaging VR experiences.

At this point i just got bored of the series, I hardly put any time into this game. From what I've seen, it's just more of the same.

I'm really glad the DS can't log playtime, cause I really don't want to be faced with the many hours I know I spent on this dumb stupid game as a dumb stupid kid.

I haven't played many point-and-click adventure games, but I absolutely adored my time with this game. The art and music are simply gorgeous, driving a powerful and grimy, yet whimsical and curious mechanical mood, strengthened by the lack of any words. The puzzles are also pretty cool, a few stinkers here and there but nothing too crazy. The simple plot isn't anything to write home about, but the environmental storytelling, mainly for the locales and locals, are interesting and mysterious. Loved it so much I played it twice


Hard as balls game, but a great time with friends. Don't even think about playing by yourself, you won't win. It has a killer atmosphere, great visuals, and decent gameplay. Get this game if you love sharing tension and uneasiness with some buds.

A beautiful game, and one of my favorite metroidvanias. It has some of the greatest set pieces I've ever seen in a 2D Platformer, solid and satisfying movement/platforming, with a gorgeous artstyle and a mesmerizing soundtrack. It's not a very long game, but if you love metroidvanias, it's a crime to put this game aside.

The only real reason to play this game today is to see how Mario Kart started, and not much else. The controls aren't great, there's only a handful of power-ups, and about just as many stages. A neat look at gaming history, but not much more.

It's just so fun to play. While no Multiplayer is a crime, simply going fast while taking wicked turns and jamming to the absolute bop of a soundtrack is just an adrenaline filled session of excitement. Delightfully aged.

People say this game aged poorly, but it's one of my favorite SNES games. The graphics are crude, but clear enough so that I know what I'm shooting at. The controls feel responsive enough, and it doesn't take too long to get to the end. I can see why people love this series so much.

This was my first exposure to Paper Mario, and I had a decent time with it. It wasn't super gripping or engaging but it was pretty and a nice time waster. The music also slaps surprisingly hard. I'm excited to see how the other games are better.

I didn't like this game as a kid, and my standards were terribly low at the time. At that point it's impressive how mediocre it is compared to the previous games

My giant bag of figures for this game still haunts me to this day. Also my first exposure to Spyro, I didn't learn he came from very different games until much much later.

This game was a joy to play as a wee lad. It's not very hard, but it's just a cozy time. I loved how you could actually fight Pokemon in real time, learning new moves and getting stronger, and also finding things to make friends with the Pokemon. Good times.

As sad as this may sound, this was my first RPG that wasn't Pokemon. I really enjoyed this as a kid, though looking back it probably wasn't all that great. The fact that it exists is pretty neat.