This game has a really good plot and brought back an old character to Disney. The gameplay was rather simple but I think that's what makes it easier to pick up and play.

Had some goods boards, but the motion control minigames bring down the score a bit.

Really great platformer with a good amount of difficulty. But some of bosses weren't that good and the requirements for 100% are atrocious.

One of the best Mariokart games out there. I say the main problem with is the overpowered bikes

One of the best Handheld Mario parties.

Great entry in the Mariokart series. It introduced the glider and underwater sections that we would later see in the sequel along with customizable karts. Not to mention has some pretty good tracks like piranha plant slide, Maka whuu, Wario's ship yard and others. However, it doesn't have a good roster of characters.

Fun little beat em up style game. Though if I had to pick which version to play, I would say the console ones as their more fleshed out.

One of my favorites in the Mario kart series with character specific karts, memorable tracks, a mission mode. What's not to love about this game. I will say that the graphics haven't aged well.

One of the worst Mario kart games I played. Having gacha mechanics, characters that are clones, having to be purchased, randomly received and are needed for certain tracks, constantly having to be online just to play this game, a points systems that can makes first place almost pointless, and don't get me started on the tracks. It may have some new ones but most of them are retro tracks and can only be played when its in a "Tour". Mario kart may be a lot of things, but a phone game isn't one of them.

This Mario kart has probably one of the most interesting gimmicks in a Mario kart game. Not to mention its also one of the most chaotic with character specific items that can really turn the tides in a players favor.

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As much as I like this game, its definitely has its flaw. One them being how the whole game is nothing but fetch quest after fetch quest, another one being the honey pot sections that have you punching random objects for honey pots, which may sound easy on paper but the execution of it was just bad. Certain objects will have a dim glow to them which would signify it can be interacted with, the problem with this is that it often blends too well into the environment. then there's the character speed which I'm gonna be blunt here is very slow. Pooh's move speed is very slow in the game taking a good couple of seconds to get to where you want to go. The game on its own is mediocre at best and boring at most. It does have a side mode where you can play this Pac-man knock-off minigame, this chase the honey pot one, and a Scare-off(which is pretty bad tbh) which are kind of fun I guess, but overall, Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure is certainly one adventure you won't miss.