These are old games and like idk what there is to say

Great but I prefer BO2 over BO1 for some reason

One of the better Call of Duty games

Campaign was good. Multiplayer is good and Zombies is on the weaker side imo

It's great. COD 4 shaped up the FPS genre thankfully

If it didn't exist. Games would be still making mostly WW2 shooters

I liked it a lot. I can understand why people didn't like it

Good Campaign
Fine Multiplayer
Spec Ops was Average.
DMZ was cool

most boring. people can call MWIII the worst Call of Duty but this was terrible

Great but overrated in my opinion

It was fine I guess. Better than Vanguard

kind of overrated. the show is fine. better than the games

My overall favorite

Wish they got spec ops right for MWII or even MWIII

I can't believe Sonic was Crane

I honestly think Ghosts has a worst campaign than MWIII.

MWIII is just fine. but Ghosts drags a lot

I loved it. Campaign was good. Multiplayer was alright