Aside from very few bugs, this is still a great collection of all the classic Sonic games. It isn't perfect, but perfectly acceptable and the games run as well as you'd expect. I enjoyed my time with this collection and enjoyed the extra content and DLC.

One of the greatest sandbox survival games of all time. I constantly return to this game for updates and just to chill. This review is over the Bedrock Edition, or previously known as "Pocket Edition." This version has always been known to be inferior and more buggy compared to the Legacy Editions, and even Java Edition. It isn't as inferior nowadays, but it definitely still has its great amount of issues, but as of 2024, the future for Bedrock Edition is looking far better. As of now, I think this version is 3 stars, the Java Edition is far better in my opinion.

This game is the first part to what seems like will be an amazing remake trilogy. FF7 Remake isn't an entire remake of the first game, but that of the Midgar portions, whih is just a few hours of the original game. With this in mind though, this is still a great basis for future titles, and the storyline is already a bit different. I enjoy the changes and world building in this remake and overall the characters are given much more life and personality. The combat is very straight forward and very rewarding! The game isn't too difficult, but not too easy either, and the replayability is there! I can't wait to see what more comes!

A long awaited improvement to the original Persona 5! This game certainly fixes a lot of the issues and loopholes with the story and mechanics of the original release, alongside with adding more on top of it! The 3rd semester is an addition you certainly do not want to miss! Characters feel a lot more fleshed out in this version, especially the mc. This version in my opinion is the definitive version of this game, and is definitely one of the best J-RPGs I've ever played!

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This game is a mixed bag for me. There's various amazing things about this game such as the soundtrack, the art style, and the gameplay, but I can't help but feel there were some major loopholes in some of its mechanics and story. Some parts of the story, such as during the events of Okumura's palace, feel very rushed and is lacking a lot to be desired. Aside from that, great slice of life, memorable characters and storyline. Longer games are my specialty, so I don't mind that at all, but if you aren't willing to put in 100+ hours, this game isn't for you.

This game was great and had a ton of support at launch. Plenty of content to go through and different locations to see. There is also a track creator and community liveries that you can create or share. The mechanics are very arcadey and satisfying. There is plenty of polish in the drifting, boosting, and cornering. However, this game lacks proper balancing on the heavier vehicles, making some tracks near impossible to race on, slower vehicles also stand no chance, so it isn't perfect by any means, but aside from that, great game!

Not a very good tie-in to the film, but pays great respect to the franchise. Voice actors aside, most of the content is great and you'll have a lot of fun playing this and appreciating the beauty and polish if you're a Cars fan. Despite this game seeming similar to it's predecessor, Cars 2, it actually sets itself apart very well! it's not the greatest and most fun game in the series in my opinion, but it is definitely a Cars game worth playing for fans.

One of the many Minecraft spin-offs that I believe does an amazing job at what it is. This game is a dungeon crawler that, while lackluster at launch, provided with dozens of hours of fun with new content and massive DLC support/expansions. There's a lot of very unique aspects in this game that set it apart from other dungeon crawlers such as the way loot works, different ways to get it, and the upgrading/leveling system.

Very fun racing game that has moderate difficulty. Very fun and detailed game modes, maps, and characters that do justice to their respective series. A great racer if you're trying to kill time!

Very fun racing game, a good amount of unique and diverse content compared to the first game. Mechanics are also very smooth and reward experience and encourage improvement. Vehicles are far more balanced compared to the first game and this game does a good job at implementing perks that can turn anything into a viable competitor on the track.