Mario Kart Ranked

Ngl I might just play every mainline game this year (except double dash cuz I cant emulate it unless I buy it physically)

(Also some of these, namely DS and Wii, I haven't played in like 10 years so once I replay them this list will probably change)


3 months ago

Double Dash shouldn't be that hard to emulate, if you played Wii on the console you may be able to play Double Dash on the console as well, a lot of Wiis have the GameCube controller ports. Also, the Dolphin Emulator is pretty easy to run and should be able to do Double Dash. Would love to see this list complete!
@wizened_dock I only have a wii u and my laptop was lagging playing Mario kart ds lol I definitely cant handle double dash. I'll probably pick up a copy in the distant future
Updating this so it only has the games I've replayed so far

3 months ago

double dash -> 8 deluxe -> 7 -> Wii -> DS -> 64 -> super circuit -> super
@poet that seems mostly similar to how my ranking will be actually, good one

3 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 people underrate the hell out of 7, like it wasn't as huge and doesn't carry the same nostalgia as Wii and DS, but it plays better and has better courses.
@poet Eh I think it has better retro courses than wii but original courses are definitely the best in wii I think

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